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Musikaravaa t1_iy5yozl wrote

You can tell a lot more than you think about a person by how they choose to present themselves online.


pussyknife t1_iy603x3 wrote

True, like how you come off as a raging misogynist


Musikaravaa t1_iy61lw6 wrote

See! You're figuring it out! You're 100% right. I choose male doctors over female doctors, even for gynecology appointments. I don't like or trust women most of the time. It's a huge issue for me, and I have to work very consciously to overcome it.


pussyknife t1_iy62lm7 wrote

You can chose whatever doctors you want, but Taylor swift and Chris brown are not the same because Taylor swift has had more boyfriends than you, you clown