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dumbbinch99 t1_iy5n1rc wrote

What did Taylor do that was on par with r Kelly and Chris brown ??


Slow-Down_Turbo t1_iy5nbg1 wrote

Michael Jackson was never proven guilty in a court of law


Musikaravaa t1_iy5nd9w wrote

I think Die Antwoord would be my band there, but I'm not really sure I believe a lot of the accusations about them, yet.


Competitive_Vast9832 t1_iy5ofpb wrote

I believe I can whine
I believe I can fuck this guy
I sing about it every night and day
Miles and miles of old clichés


Torn8Dough t1_iy5om3s wrote

Kind of. I’m getting there. I think with social media and really getting to know these people, I seem like I hate half the people I grew up with. And in the pandemic and Trump era, OMG. A lot of them came out as complete idiots. Just don’t know if I can recover. One is Eric Clapton. I still skip him when he comes on. I just can’t with his racist bullshit.


DanteCoal t1_iy5p7z1 wrote

Should've listed one of the huge amount of shitty white musicians that have actually done bad shit. Look at Eric Clapton. Total piece of shit, and it's well known. I give 0 fucks about Swift or her music, but she's objectively not an apt name for your list.


publishAWM t1_iy5prqb wrote

caught between nostalgia and relevance on this one. can't bring myself to appreciate abusers in any way, yet if I fell for their material before their crimes came to light, I just can't force anyone else to listen to their stuff. it creates a bigger conversation around permission to play their music when and where others can hear it.

example: I hosted karaoke and bingo and DJ'd for years. I refuse to subject anyone to potentially problematic artists or material. I'd often engage the audience for feedback when someone wanted to perform or hear something "edgy", same as telling every non-POC and/or ableist that they can't say/sing certain things on the mic.

unrelated to this, as a host I only allow "Happy Birthday" once per night, so I make it a point to ask how many birthday celebrations are present before even singing it once. can't please everyone but we can AT LEAST read the room.


LoudTsu t1_iy5pym0 wrote

Sure. I don't know the person that built my table. And Stranglehold still rocks.


CabinetOwn5418 t1_iy5q1bm wrote

You think a Taylor Swift is an evil human being? She doesn’t seem like she belongs on your list


pussyknife t1_iy5qiic wrote

Sounds like her crime is being a successful women who makes popular pop music that people love to hate, and who happened to have dated throughout her teens and twenties?

I always see stuff like this and it’s so frustrating. Male celebrities do actual godawful shit but women are considered unlikable or bitchy for simply existing


Musikaravaa t1_iy5so72 wrote

Yeeaaaah, I didn't date around like that as a young person. I had the same boyfriend from 15-19 and then was with the next guy for 10 years.

Also, refrain from correcting people with a username like that, yikes.


6132133532 t1_iy5t33i wrote

I mean, I’m sure you’re not the commodity tSweezy would have been in the adolescent dating market. As a fella from the sticks… the fact that she was allowed to date so many dudes at that age already negates her debutante southern Belle cred. Just had to put my two cents in your “oh Taylor swift did.. well I…” statement 😂


NosyargKcid t1_iy5t73i wrote

tf? There's plenty of white people you could've put there who actually did shitty things: David Bowie, Steven Tyler, Iggy Pop, Frank Sinatra, Sid Vicious, etc.. So your shitty ass race baiting is dumb af.

Did Taylor Swift commit sexual assault, domestic violence, or anything even remotely close to this you listed along side her?


dumbbinch99 t1_iy5tiho wrote

Congrats, but literally no one cares? Like what does you choosing to stay with one person for ten years mean at all in any of this? “Taylor dated more people than I did, so she and Chris brown are the same 😤”

Also bringing up my joke Reddit username of all things as some sort of gotcha is pretty damn cringey


6132133532 t1_iy5trol wrote

NO! Do not do this. That’s more complacency and acceptance of the issue. R Kelly can rot in hell. If you can hear “my mind is telling me ‘no’ but my body is telling me ‘yes’” and you’re still like “idk, this slaps”… you’re broken. As a multi instrumentalist of 18 years. Chuck berry, don henley(eagles) and many other albums I’ve had to sacrifice.


dumbbinch99 t1_iy5u31o wrote

Even if that was true, which it doesn’t really seem like, dating is not a thing that would require me having to separate the art from the artist??? It’s just the fucking slut shaming that we really should be past at this point


Musikaravaa t1_iy5uhm8 wrote

The way you present yourself matters. I don't care what some chick with the username "dumbbinch99" thinks on any level, shes's already called herself dumb.

It is my opinion that Taylor Swift sets an inappropriate "okayness" with serial dating and that she's emotionally abusing the men that she has used in this way. It's not the same as Domestic Abuse, at all. I say this as having been a victim of emotional abuse from members of my family, I can say it's degrading and leaves long-lasting emotional scars. When someone hits you, you KNOW it's time to leave.


Musikaravaa t1_iy5uq99 wrote

No, that's not what I said. I explanded my comment to dumbbinch99 with some context there. I'm not going to re-type it for you.

I like how all of the reddit avatars jumping to this defense look EXACTLY like little Taylor clones.


dumbbinch99 t1_iy5v74i wrote

I see you take Reddit very seriously. I guess it makes sense if you have nothing else of value in your life.

Bruh she was literally just dating. Lots of people, including lots of celebrities, have lots of exes. Relationships just don’t work out. But yeah these men were totally victims of emotional abuse and her evil womanly ways 🥺 i don’t care about your home life, I experienced sexual, physical, and emotional abuse from childhood on and I’m not here pretending like this women dumping people is on par with anything like that


Musikaravaa t1_iy5vaec wrote

Oh lord, WHAT a good point. I hadn't even considered that, hahaha.

It's not a "well I" sort of statement, though y'all are reading it that way.

It's more of a "actually girls don't always date like tha,t" and I thinkit'ss delusional to think some little girl serial dating like that is normal. Especially considering her mental health struggles, comes across more like acting out or trying to fix herself by using someone else, but that's me reading WAY too into it.


pussyknife t1_iy5whn4 wrote

“Hmmm no I didn’t date around though” is what you said in comment I replied to. And your comment to the other person is equally dumb. You really are Reddit obsessed, bringing up peoples avatars and usernames and shit


6132133532 t1_iy5wpx9 wrote

Tbh, I am Taylor swifts age and I remember hearing her stuff at 16, and a few of the songs resonated… I think, most of what came out after 2011 was not her writing… like she got big at 15 then plug writers to sell hits and create a superstar lol, that’s been my narrative of her for… 13 years anyways haha


dubrobobo t1_iy5x9lu wrote

Not completely. But i don't have to to enjoy their music


Musikaravaa t1_iy5yejo wrote

I've gotta be at least 10 years older than most of her fan-base, never was into her. That's a good point though! I'd HOPE your narrative is right.

Honestly this engagement sucks. I was hoping to discuss whether or not Die Antwoord was actually guilty of the stuff they're accused of doing, not crap-ass Tay-Tay.


Malanderer t1_iy5ywf0 wrote

Repeating what others said here, but why Taylor Swift? I’d have answered the question, even if it’s an old chestnut, but the Taylor Swift thing threw me.


Musikaravaa t1_iy61lw6 wrote

See! You're figuring it out! You're 100% right. I choose male doctors over female doctors, even for gynecology appointments. I don't like or trust women most of the time. It's a huge issue for me, and I have to work very consciously to overcome it.


EveSixxx t1_iy64d1l wrote

Steven Tyler The lead singer of lostprophets (who is the worst ever) David Bowie Frank Sinatra

None of them angels, all made good music. I can separate the artist and the music, because my personal attachment to the music is guided or dictated by the artist but by my experience.

The only problem is buying the music makes them money through royalties, streaming, downloads and merch sales (cd’s?!) so, depending on your thoughts you could one way or another end up paying/supporting them (this point was recently made to me).


codevinh t1_iy64qpl wrote

I suppose that I can. Daughters is one of my favourite band ever and to know how despicable the lead singer is really upset me. But after relistening the band's music after a long time I cannot deny that I like it even more, given the context behind everything including the lyrics.


CabbageDenier t1_iy6zq11 wrote

Eric Clapton, I absolutely love the music but Eric Clapton is not that nice a person