Submitted by BladeBitten t3_z3x032 in Music

I lost count of how many CD's I used to own, but around 8-9 years ago, my girlfriend convinced me to throw them away because I'd transferred them all on to my laptop and iPod, and we didn't have much space in our new house to store boxes and boxes of CD's that I didn't physically use any more.

I don't own a CD player (just a PlayStation and a USB disc player)
Over the years, if I've come across a song I like, I'll download it.
And of course, if I want to listen to a new song, I'll go on to YouTube first and check it out.
I don't use Spotify, as there's still that part of me that wants to make sure the money I pay for music goes directly to the artist that I like.

However, over the past year or so, I've been going on eBay and adding all of the CD's I used to own into a "wish list" because I want them all again...

Even though I spend all of my time on a laptop and don't "use" CD's any more, I miss having that physical item in my hands/being able to look through the artwork and lyrics in the album sleeve/knowing that I've paid for the entire album and the artist/band themselves will be getting a good % of the money (whether I purchase from a retailer or the bands own website).

When I was still buying CD's, I used to look at people that would buy vinyl and think "why not upgrade and buy CD's instead?" - I'm guessing the same could be said about me with my wanting to buy physical when everything is (becoming) digital...

I was wondering though, how many of you still go out and buy CD's?



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Boomgaarn t1_ixo2a8x wrote

I have a subscription to the Metalhead Box soI get 2 CDs sent to me every month. Last new CD I bought this year was the new MGK album.


ricardo9505 t1_ixo2vsh wrote

If I'm at a used record stor then yeah . In NY they were all over and I'd rummage for like 2 hours thru those places. If I'm at a place like that then yeah.


FarmboyJustice t1_ixo2xsh wrote

Physical CDs are proof you legally have rights to the music. Throwing them away technically means you don't own them anymore, and if someone were to accuse you of piracy, you would have little defense.

It's unlikely to happen, but it could.

Renting songs from a streaming service gives you no legal right to media shift or play them using the hardware and software of your choice.


ExternalPiglet1 t1_ixo37mh wrote

Yea, especially if I get the free digital download with it. But even still, I like building a physical library.

Lot's of my original collection got sold off when I was in college and moving around...but now I love going to the shelves to look 'em over. I probably buy 1 or 2 CDs a month.


ExtraSmoothCrusader t1_ixo4q86 wrote

I still buy them, yes. It's usually just imported albums with songs that aren't available on streaming services or soundtracks that only have a physical release.

I might buy five or six CDs a year, at this point. Whereas my digital music library has hundreds of albums.


Mr_Andersons_Balls t1_ixo6z1s wrote

I buy CDs of my favourite bands and artists, I have a Blaupunkt CD player that supports Bluetooth, AUX, USB, and MicroSD cards, but prefer to play CDs on Blu-ray


shuckley15 t1_ixo9vtr wrote

I bought a used Sony 300 cd player and put all of my old CDs in there.hit random and it's a treat everytime!


uuhhhhggg t1_ixoarps wrote

I buy cds for the same reason anyone still buys vinyl (nice to have a physical copy of the music (I own it) get the lyric book and other artwork from the album and I know the artist is getting my money from it)


They’re cheaper more environmentally friendly and a lot easier to store


DucksVersusWombats t1_ixoavab wrote

If I'm out seeing a band, and I like them, I will buy their CD. If there's music I can't just download, but can get on CD, I will buy the CD.

Of course, in both cases, I will immediately rip it to my online music collection immediately. The CD goes in a bulk storage sleeve.


Utilitarian_Proxy t1_ixobfru wrote

I've not bought any this year, but that's mainly due to not keeping up with what's being released. I've got quite a few friends who play in bands, so I'm normally supportive whenever they release new material. Plus, when I do listen to anything on my hi-fi, through good speakers, it always sounds so much better than listening to the heavily compressed streaming versions.


SLCW718 t1_ixod5xw wrote

Haven't bought a CD in the past 20 years.


Same-Bowl6381 t1_ixof0i2 wrote

Haven't bought a CD in years, but my fairly new vehicle actually has a CD player, so what I have is getting used. Buy them if you want them and have the room to store them.


Jackattack736 t1_ixogref wrote

I do still buy CDs, but not very frequently-maybe 2 or 3 a year. My car still has a CD player and I like looking at the details of the cover art and liner notes. But I have to have an emotional connection to the album to buy it unless I really trust the artist to put out something good


jforeman1976 t1_ixogrkf wrote

Yes. Sometimes certain songs aren't available on YouTube Music, which I use. Plus I like to play them in the car.


BladeBitten OP t1_ixoh5qj wrote

Adding to this - now that I'm looking to re-purchase what I once had, some CD's have become gold dust! Two in particular often go at auction for around £100 as they were a limited/promo release!


BladeBitten OP t1_ixohp0a wrote

I still don't drive, but when I was doing my lessons in 2006 I was using CD's - now I only ever see people plugging their phones in and playing music through them (usually with ads blasting away at the start of/between songs, too!)


Jackattack736 t1_ixokul6 wrote

Honestly I'm not sure what the first album I bought was.

I know 3 of the first I had were Red Hot Chili Peppers' Californication, Smash Mouth's Astro Lounge and Santana's Supernatural, but I have no idea which I got first or if I got all 3 at the same time (I was 8 at the time)


ChildhoodMassive t1_ixom52i wrote

I buy all my favorite artist albums on cd. I never open them, I just need them in case anything happens. I still have the 1000s I purchased before streaming became a thing. I buy vinyl occasionally as well even though I have nothing to play them on.


BladeBitten OP t1_ixomwjc wrote

I don't know if it's because I'm a musician too, but being a singer/guitarist means that I remember so many riffs and licks.I'd say horror movies are what got me into the music I'm into today - an exact example being the movie Bride of Chucky had Rob Zombie's "Living Dead Girl" playing during the intro, then other artists like Kidneythieves and Monster Magnet being involved. At 11 years old, they were amazing bands to be introduced to...


Expert-Crazy-9106 t1_ixon7nz wrote

I still have kept my hundred or so CDs, but I don't buy any more now. Although I do have a CD player hooked up to my stereo, I don't use it. I always listen to music in my car instead. And now my car doesn't have one. I love the booklets that come with them, though. I have artwork from one tattooed on me.


Kvothetheraven603 t1_ixoramm wrote

Neil Young only. I use Spotify so if I want Neil in the car, which I certainly do, then I have to go CDs. Already have a lot by him but just bought one last weekend lol


AbreakaTech001 t1_ixoz4jy wrote

CDs, cassette tapes, 33, 45 and 78 records. Every format of music has its advantages.


prustage t1_ixp17td wrote

I don't buy CDs because I want the physical object but sometimes the CD is quite a bit cheaper than the equivalent download. In this case, I buy the CD, rip it, stick it in the attic and forget about it.


SirDigbyridesagain t1_ixq3ond wrote

Usually only if I find them cheap in a thrift store, the quality is unmatched by streaming and they sound incredible. I have been keeping an eye out for a CD player to add to my hifi setup. Till then I only have the one disk player in my half ton and I never drive it anymore (cheaper to finance a civic then feed that V8).

If I get a player that I'm happy with then I'll search them out more often.


_plantknuckles t1_ixr562q wrote

I love digging through CDs whenever I go to the thrift store. Jewel cases get discarded and the disc goes in a huge binder


HairyMuffinMan t1_ixsotge wrote

Yeah I still buy CD's nothing better than owning a physical copy of something you think is awesome!


metalliska t1_ixxcgqi wrote

Of course. They still work from decades ago.