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fatshendrix t1_ixx4kin wrote

Not if you're in government, no. But other than that, yeah you're gonna be poor as dirt historically speaking.


FetaMight t1_ixx6wby wrote

I'm pretty sure nobody thinks what you're referring to is actual socialism.

What you're doing is saying all apples are bad and will always be bad because you just walked past 3 rotten apples in a garbage can.


fatshendrix t1_ixx7dwo wrote

Well the title doesn't even say "socialism good", it just says "capitalism bad". Which I agree, it certainly has many shitty aspects, such as hypocritical bands profiting hand over fist while pretending to be against it.

What I have yet to see in my decades of life, however, is an economic system that didn't heavily incorporate capitalism, and wasn't poor as fuck. I'd welcome a counterfactual.


FetaMight t1_ixx7wj2 wrote

I haven't seen it either. All the more reason to fight for it, no?


fatshendrix t1_ixx8czl wrote

Maybe? But there's also the possibility that human nature is flawed to the point where socialism/etc. will never work. Maybe the effort is best spent trying to reform capitalism so that it improves?

I don't have the answer, just going based on what's known.


FetaMight t1_ixxbmk7 wrote

We have similar views. The current system doesn't work. It's unclear what will work, but trying new stuff will at least get us more information.

It just seems we just disagree slightly on what to try first.

I'm not personally interested in socialism. I just want a sustainable system. If it's socialist then great. If it isn't that's fine too.

Add long as it's fair and sustainable I don't care.