Submitted by joeyhimself1 t3_z5dgwz in Music

This is tough, I've always enjoyed their music and I know about the heinous shit that Ian (lead singer) has done. The musicians themselves are fucking great..and I really love their it wrong to enjoy their music? It will always be tainted by him but I still want to enjoy their music.



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jough22 t1_ixvfh78 wrote

My opinion is that there's enough music in the world to not feel beholden to these albums.


joeyhimself1 OP t1_ixvhf5c wrote

Sorry but just to dumb it down a notch - youre saying that I shouldn't care because other bands play the same music ?


jough22 t1_ixvo1ai wrote

I'm saying you have many other choices. So many that losing the choice of this band shouldn't darken your day that much.


Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_ixvvrj1 wrote



Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_ixvvdom wrote

The Fake Sound of Progress is a good album. It had that "indie nu-metal" vibe to it, and I remember finding Lost Prophets on the old old old "Mp3 dot com" site way before they got signed, before MySpace was even a thing. And then I just kinda forgot about the band for a while and then "Rooftops" blew up and that was everywhere and I just personally did not like the song at all. It felt like your average typical cheesey sellout mainstream Emo stuff.

I get that they had to change and adapt with the times, but the Emo thing just never appealed to me. I liked them better when they were doing cool stuff like "Shinobi VS Dragon Ninja." That was a dope song. "Rooftops" was just not my cup of tea. You know who I do like though? Dredg! Now that's a good, interesting band. That "Green Album" with the wierd symbol on it is fantastic from start to finish.

"Hungover On A Tuesday" is also a damn good song that I can listen to over and over.


Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_ixw6ndy wrote

You shouldn't care because you're allowed to like and listen to whatever you want. I just personally didn't care for their Emo stuff...

The Fake Sound of Progress was more interesting. How would it feel if The Deftones suddenly decided to start making cheesey sappy Emo music???? I don't think many Deftones fans would stick around for that.


Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_ixw9hjz wrote

Rhyme Asylum (one of my favorite UK rap groups) only ever made two albums ("Solitary Confinement" & "State of Lunacy") but I'll keep listening to them because they were dope, sure they never made any other albums but what they put out are classic.

Fake Sound of Progress was the ~only~ good album Lost Prophets made, and if they would have just stopped there instead of making mainstream Emo junk, that would have been totally fine.


hi-imBen t1_ixvfqrx wrote

I dunno, that is one where I couldn't separate the art and artist with the charges being just so awful. I don't judge you tho, I did really like that last train home song they had.


Trobus t1_ixvgjsk wrote

You should check out No Devotion, after lostprophets broke up the band members started a band with Geoff Rickly from Thursday.


joeyhimself1 OP t1_ixvh4bz wrote

I know the band and I like their stuff, but should I feel "off" for liking lostprohests stuff? Never really felt this way before where you love a band and their main singer turns out to be scum of the earth


Trobus t1_ixvi5y6 wrote

I can usually separate the artist from the art, but this particular case would make me feel pretty bad about it. If it makes you feel weird or guilty about it probably not worth listening to it.


joeyhimself1 OP t1_ixvinnv wrote

Jeez dude I mean what do you do? Its not like an alleged case of him chatting to a minor, its waaaay worse. Did you listen to them before?


Trobus t1_ixvj5hc wrote

I knew some of their songs but wasn’t really a fan, but if someone from one the bands I really loved did something like that I’d personally write them off forever. I would never judge someone for listening to it with that said.


UnblackMetalist t1_ixvf5ku wrote

I never liked their music in the first place, so i don‘t have that problem


Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_ixvw33l wrote

It was just too "Emo" for me.

And I was finding Japanese Rock stuff like DIR EN GREY that had a much harder and edgier sound.

Lost Prophet's song "Rooftops" is one of those songs that just makes me cringe.

But their earlier stuff like "Shinobi VS Dragon Ninja" was actually good.


UnblackMetalist t1_ixvxp2a wrote

I don‘t know man, i don‘t think they‘re bad or anything, they‘re just…. meh. Thousands of other bands in that time with the same sound.


Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_ixw60pt wrote

They are as "meh" as Mumble Rap.

When 50 other bands or "rappers" sound exactly the same (or boy / girl Pop bands - or pretty much anything that becomes overdone and ubiquitous) it just starts to get stale. In the mid 2Ks, Emo styled Rock was everywhere and you couldn't escape it -- unless you listened to music from other countries. Japan's "Visual Kei" scene didn't sound anything at all like mainstream western music, and that's why I liked it.

But I'm sure to some people over there - if it's all that they ever hear 24 / 7, it will get stale to them too.


Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_ixw77ij wrote

Dredg is better than Lost Prophets.


Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_ixw7drx wrote

Minus The Bear is also better than Lost Prophets.


Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_ixw7ptb wrote

Fair To Midland is also better than Lost Prophets (and I didn't even like them at first, I only knew of them as "one of those bands that opened for DIR EN GREY")


Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_ixw8bby wrote

10 Years is better than Lost Prophets.


Devenem t1_ixx15nf wrote

I'm in a similar boat. Lostprophets, among other bands, were the soundtrack of mine and my friends' adolescent years, and therefore I associate the music with many of the fond memories that we made. That's how I choose to enjoy the music. It reminds me of the good times we had as teenagers trying to find our way in the world.

Of course Ian's horrendous crimes are always a thought in the back of my mind whenever I hear his voice, and I hope he rots behind bars forever. He is an absolute monster in the worst possible way.

But I'm also not going to let him forever ruin the music my friends and I loved so much growing up. He wasn't the only member in the band. I enjoy the music for everyone else in the band that helped create it, and for the good times.


Asplashofwater t1_ixxezh2 wrote

They were my favorite band and I considered Ian my idol. I got to meet them shortly before his arrest. I was in denial for awhile, I eventually accepted what was clear. I try a few times a year to listen to them, my brain still registers it as among the best music I’ve ever heard, but my mind can’t shake what the man behind the voice did. I think the betrayed was their best album, but in hindsight it’s very clearly him symbolically, and sometimes literally, talking about who he was and what he was doing. If you can get past associating him and the music I wouldn’t feel guilty. Whatever Pennys he’d earn from streaming he’ll likely never see. And the rest of the guys are, I believe, innocent. I’ve heard enough to say I believe they are.

To lighten the mood a bit, the betrayed was initially not released in America, but being the obsessed fan I was had to have a copy. I wanted to order the album from Amazon uk, I had enough for the album itself, but the shipping made it too much. However I was mere cents away from free shipping, so I searched for the cheapest free shipping item I could find. All this to say I couldn’t afford the album, but I could afford the album AND a random pack of post it notes.


TheRealCliffjumper38 t1_ixvfpgk wrote

You should probably listen to somebody else, like Linkin Park or Incubus.


joeyhimself1 OP t1_ixvhmld wrote

But thats not my question. I know both those bands and I love their stuff. So you're saying just ignore the band and never enjoy their music?


TheRealCliffjumper38 t1_ixvux6g wrote

Idk, if you want to listen to music by a pedo then listen to them I guess but I highly recommend you not listen to them.


billiehetfield t1_ixx0vgb wrote

Unfortunately nobody should listen. There’s usually a case to separate the music from the artist, however Ian Watkins is one of the worst pieces of shit to walk the planet. Hearing his voice should make any sane person sick.

And it’s a crying shame as the band had some good stuff. He’s so far beyond deplorable that this doesn’t matter.


Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_ixvwmrx wrote

Enjoy whatever you want.

Nobody is going to stop you.

I'm gay and I still like Eminem and D12, despite all the "homophobic" stuff in the songs. Do whatever you want, but even without all the drama around the singer being a Certified Nonce, their Emo material is boring and Fake Sound of Progress was way better.


Grey_0ne t1_ixvhys1 wrote

The was one song I liked from them. Listened to it right up until last month because no one bothered to inform me about... well... you know...


joeyhimself1 OP t1_ixvisen wrote

You liked the song so much you decided not to listen anymore...right?


Grey_0ne t1_ixvoecm wrote

Kinda hard to listen to any song from them and not immediately think about the shit attached to it... So no, not worth the mental imagery.


EveSixxx t1_ixvs1y6 wrote

So, I’m not a huge LostProphets fan, but I do like a handful of songs. I still listen to them. And it’s ok to still listen for a handful of reasons.

You didn’t commit nor do you endorse the crimes he committed. And let’s not say by listening you endorse it, because that’s not true no matter what hurt you have or what mental gymnastics you try and perform.

The songs can have a meaning to you or evoke a feeling for you that’s not the intent of the writer. What you attach to the music isn’t dictated by the author, music is art and art is subjective and personal.

Steven Tyler fleeced parents into signing over their teenage daughter so he could commit statutory rape on the regular. So did someone in Zepplin as did Bill Lyman with Mandy smith. There’s tons of examples of pedophilic behavior in the music industry. They aren’t as extreme , but they’re still sex crimes, statutory rape in these cases. I am in no way defending the behaviors of any of these individuals. They’re criminals plane and simple. So are our politicians, but we still abide by the laws they create. This went sideways fast in me so I’ll wrap it up.

All I’m saying is there is a way to separate art from the artists. If there isn’t then it loses it’s subjective nature and becomes a narrow interpretation .

Thanks for your time, I owe you a drink.


Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_ixvx2ac wrote

David Bowie allegedly had inappropriate encounters with Lori Mattox (or however you spell her name) but I'm not gunna just quit listening to David Bowie. Bowie isn't anywhere near the level of Ian Watkins. That man is Suge Knight levels of Evil.


RevolutionaryJury941 t1_ixwuhgu wrote

What suge knight do?


billiehetfield t1_ixx163t wrote

There’s levels to this stuff. There’s a huge difference between 14 and a baby. Both are wrong. One is more wrong than the other.

And if you listen in a streaming service, you may be sending money his way.


EveSixxx t1_ixx5gbo wrote

I don’t listen to streaming, and that makes me wonder if he’s seeing those pennies? Or if it’s going to a victim’s fund.

And they’re both wrong. Period. It’s safe to end it there.

Do you listen to the other bands mentioned?


billiehetfield t1_ixx6kc1 wrote

Righty or wrongly, I don’t have as a visceral reaction to say a Bowie or a Tyler. Maybe I’m bad, however Watkins went right down to the very bottom. He was a true pedo vs ephebophilia with the rest.

Edit to say it also wasn’t my time. Watkins was during my gig going life and I saw them a few times. I’ve never seen the others.


censorbot2022 t1_ixz9r7y wrote

Am I a bad person if I listen to Nazi propaganda? I'm not a Nazi, it's not going to rub off on me is it?


sandbirde t1_ixvfo0w wrote

I say no, it's not wrong. Some people say you should enjoy it in a way that doesn't give the artist royalties, but personally, I don't think it's that significant in the grand scheme of things. In fact, if we really wanna get into it, I think it's verging on parasocial to only consume art from people you wholeheartedly agree with and support. Sometimes talented people say and do bad things, or behave in unacceptable ways, or, in milder cases, have politics or ethics you disagree with. You should be aware of this possibility for any artist whose work you enjoy.

tl;dr Just listen to the music. Nobody important cares what you do.


joeyhimself1 OP t1_ixvi6i6 wrote

Youre right, I guess I hold this band close to parts of my childhood. You can listen to the instruments and appreciate all that, but as soon as you hear their voice it pulls everything into question


blnts4jc t1_ixw1soe wrote

What did you expect people to say, dude?


Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_ixwayxn wrote

I would make some statement about "How many people still adore and worship Michael Jackson?" but MJ didn't straight up send a bunch of texts to women asking if he could do creepy shxt to their kids.

And Ian did.


renniechops t1_ixw9dpf wrote

Worked Lost Prophets

Sorry if you’re a fan but eeesh what a snore.

The set, the crowd.

Snooze city.


Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_ixwaa9m wrote

Whiney boring Emo crud.

Their album "Fake Sound of Progress" was better, back when they were a little underground band uploading songs to "MP3 dot com" (the early 2000s version of MySpace) but after that they went downhill and became just another Emo band like AFI & MCR and whatever... Yuck.

I mean, aside from the charges against Ian for being a Nasty Nonce, Lost Prophets is just incredibly boring. Nothing interesting going on. At least on TFSoP they had a varied sound and it wasn't all just Emo, it was more like a spacey Nu-Metal.


Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_ixwd2z2 wrote

"Worked" as in you worked as Stage Security for one of their live shows???


renniechops t1_ixwd4ur wrote



metalliska t1_ixx2phc wrote

please tell me there's a Shinobi / Dragon Ninja cocktail


renniechops t1_ixx3i5i wrote

I have no idea what you’re referring to

It was emo 20 something’s asking for PBR and Tito’s and Vodka

Six weeks until retirement from live music bartending

I weep for the bastards that have to work KPOP and 16+ crowds these days

But there are no tears left

Satan Luck and Good Speed


metalliska t1_ixx3uui wrote

> PBR and Tito’s and Vodka

hey that's a start.

Maybe some Grenadine , Absythe and Fireball ?


Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_ixzz3lc wrote

K-Pop sucks.

Japanese Rock is actually pretty good though. "Arche" and "UROBOROS" and "Dum Spiro Spero" by DIR EN GREY are some pretty damn good albums. Hell, even some of their older stuff from back when they were still a "Visual Kei" gothic shock rock band is pretty good ("Gauze" & "Kisou" & "Vulgar").

I think I just dislike K-Pop simply for the fact that it is POP... Most of those bands are essentially Korean clones of the Backstreet Boys, or N-Sync, or 98 Degrees (which themselves were all just copying off New Kids On The Block).


renniechops t1_ixzzodg wrote

Sabbat and Boris are some of my favorite bands.

I’ve worked half a dozen KPOP shows this year.

The fans are utter trash.

The music is corporate cash grab garbage water.

I’m retiring in six weeks.

I’ll never #EVER work a KPOP show as long as I live


Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_iy024js wrote

"I have no idea what you’re referring to."

Shinobi VS Dragon Ninja is a song by Lost Prophets, it features drop tune bass, DJ scratching, and a really quick tempo.

Basically it's a Nu Metal style song.

It's certainly better than "Rooftops" and all the other Emo crap they put out later. But Shinobi (and the album Fake Sound Of Progress) was made before the switch to Emo. I remember grabbing the song off the old "MP3 dot Com" website, back when Lost Prophets were very much still underground.

Their old sound was more comparable to something like a Dredg, or a Deftones, or an Incubus. But what they turned into later with the Emo boom was just "meh."


Fluffy_Little_Fox t1_ixzzi9h wrote

Would you agree that "Fake Sound of Progress" was their one good album, and all the Mainstream Emo Sellout stuff was whack? They could have been a great Nu Metal band if they hadn't made the switch to Emo.


metalliska t1_iy0pm0o wrote

Pretty much. "Rooftops" was the beginning of the end.


aussiespiders t1_ixxnbep wrote

The only respectful way to listen to them is pirate only! I refuse to listen to them and chris brown now.