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sonnyjim77 t1_ixcyjyl wrote

Surely a lot of music is inspired by relationships though?


Mister_Xian t1_ixczhto wrote

It all comes down to where would you rather your hands and mouth be?


Unbound_Sects t1_ixcztlc wrote

Everything in your life will change how you write. How you manage your thoughts and emotions will determine which way your writing goes. Channel it and use the energies for greatness or allow it to take you somewhere less majestic.


live4lax25 t1_ixd0eyk wrote

Yes. I wrote great music when I was so fuckin unhappy I couldn’t sleep at night. Then I met my wife and she had the nerve to make me happy and now my life is great but my writing sucks


elithemoonwalker t1_ixd0f6r wrote

Honestly depends on the girl, I’m a touring musician that has his fair share of different kinds of relationships. The best thing is to be 100% honest with her. This is also where it’s important for YOU to judge whether you think a relationship would negatively impact your music.

I would try it anyway, in the worst case scenario you get something to write about


Awkward-Language-861 t1_ixd2ki8 wrote

Aw man! Your writing will get better so long as you keep making time and putting effort in. This applies to your budding relationship too btw.

I've been with the same woman for 6 years, and my writing (+ my ability to have my shit together and thus have something approaching a career in music) has consistently improved throughout.

Good luck with both 😉


arpeggiweirdfish t1_ixd5ds8 wrote

I would say you’re overthinking it, but that’s still alright. You should go for what makes you feel happy and alive. Because our interests are morphing at all times, even if one writes sad songs while single and being in a relationship cancels that out, there’s other things to discover and write about. All the best.


asanokiguy t1_ixdbw22 wrote

Think of the inspiration a relationship brings..


New-Cardiologist3006 t1_ixdfpun wrote

Yes and no.

depression is excellent for creativity. For survival.

In relationship, you have to sacrifice her out of your mind, and make time to think about art and yourself.

You need reflective time. So most people cant balance it and they become docile


BrassOwlRing t1_ixdhqie wrote

You are 100% overthinking this. It's possible to have a very balanced life.


bluetriumphantcloud t1_ixdz0a4 wrote

I don't think it's stupid. If I hadn't met my partner I would have def put more into music.

I think if you want to do music above everything else you need to make it your priority, and yeah one thing that is powerful enough to disrupt that is love. I said I wouldn't let anything get in the way of playing music everyday. I did. It was love.


doanhieuhl t1_ixfzlcd wrote

Kinda my thought as well. But at the same time, i'm just suck when it comes to releationship and prefer being alone i guess