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ChilliWarmKangaroo OP t1_ixn51kf wrote

Reply to comment by lowfreq33 in Mic question by ChilliWarmKangaroo

I have like 20 bucks to my name haha, I was hoping for some magical solution. I tried using guitar amps before lol


lowfreq33 t1_ixndwb8 wrote

You can do that with an xlr to 1/4 inch cable, but it won’t sound very good. Unfortunately it costs money to make music. I just looked on the GC site and there’s an American audio speaker for $170 that would probably get it done in a garage setting.


percygreen t1_ixnnrcs wrote

Do you play an instrument or just sing? If you’re also a guitarist, maybe you have a spare guitar to trade for a PA?


ChilliWarmKangaroo OP t1_ixno4kz wrote

Yea i am but all my other guitars are like 200 dollar used peices of shit


percygreen t1_ixnssuh wrote

I feel your pain. We sang through a bass amp in my high school punk band until we got a new bass player whose parents bought him a PA. Do you have any rich friends who play?