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Rodrat t1_ixk31mf wrote

I'm not sure what you're looking for. What consistency are you looking for? Just album ratings and over all positivity?

Music is so opinionated that it's impossible to define in this metric. Even a band as praised as the Beatles will have those who rate them poorly.


ericrohmerofmath OP t1_ixk60t5 wrote

just album ratings. I don´t care if the band or the singer comes out only with bad albums. If he/she/they have 9 albums, and they all are rated 2, they are consistent on what they do. That´s what i want: Consistency throughout the carrer. I just need a way to measure this consistency with math. I´ve tried adding up all the ratings and dividing by the number of albums, but if an artist has just one album rated 5 and all the other rated 9, and he has 15 albums, he´s pretty consistent. But the album rated 5 will make the total go down