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PossibilitySuperb465 t1_j204ui6 wrote

Lol I mean the world does not begin and end with pop music so yeah, I think there are many many numerous musicians throughout the world that are more talented than any of the people you cited as authorities. How is that egotistical?

Here’s me playing guitar at age 16, 100,000 years ago:

Here’s something I’ve been working on lately:

You have better? Is it not diverse enough?

Maybe you hate my music, maybe you like it, but I know what I’m talking about. My tastes are varied as hell. If you ask me who’s a better song writer, Bob Dylan or Willie Nelson, or even Dolly Parton, or even Taylor Swift—yes. I think Dylan is at the bottom of the list in terms of craftsmanship and artistry. Deal with it.

Also, like, I’m a programmer. I stake zero ego on music. I just like it. So what’s my agenda anyway?

I’ve listened to it. I’ve thought about it. It doesn’t hold up to scrutiny for me.

Look, musicologists are weird. I knew a guy who got a degree in musicology in part by discussing the history of air guitar (seriously). People who are basically non-doing critics have opinions that are different than the people who do the thing. As for Beatles and Hendrix—mediocrity likes mediocrity, no surprise there, but I do like both Beatles and Hendrix. Also, Hendrix died by puking and the Beatles have done everything from stealing songs to weird culty eastern religious shit. My opinion doesn’t have to be their opinion. They aren’t infallible, just humans.

The world is bigger and more full of talent than you think.


trapezoidalfractal t1_j20gxb5 wrote

Man, you post mindless noodling and freshman level piano composition and compare that to Dylan? Even ignoring song writing entirely, your music you’ve shown doesn’t even show half the depth. Your progressions are boilerplate, your melodies are meh. I mean, it’s not terrible music, but it’s laughable to compare it to Dylan.


PossibilitySuperb465 t1_j20i7tp wrote

Lol they are not boilerplate chord progressions. The first one is like, one chord, but it's all improvisational. The second one is like... I don't know... modulating constantly? Also like... I'm not sure if you noticed... there's an orchestra there...

Bob Dylan is not known for his chord progressions... They are like 4 chord songs largely, and they are not deep.

Besides, I never compared myself to Bob Dylan. I'm just a hobbyist musician. The previous poster asked for examples of what I've written, those are some examples. I'm clearly literate and competent, am I not? What are you churning out?

To be honest, your characterization of my music shows me you can't hear the depth that is there. It's not like the music is written arbitrarily, it's written mechanically using all sorts of specific techniques, and literally each section of the orchestral piece is modulating to a different key. It's very easy to say a melody is "meh", but saying chord progressions are boilerplate is absurd. If anything, they are much too scattered.

Also like, I showed you some metal shredding and some orchestral+piano music. It's kind of varied, isn't it? I honestly think I could replicate an approximation to Dylan's music than the other way around. I'm a craftsman like that, where as he is not. Granted, there's nothing innovative in it, but there's not much innovative in Dylan either IMO.


tonetonitony t1_j20m88z wrote

So now you’re calling Hendrix mediocre after you post your cheesy shred and elevator music? It’s painfully clear that you don’t have an ear for this, but feel free to keep telling yourself you know what you’re talking about.


PossibilitySuperb465 t1_j20mk93 wrote

Post your own music :P

Something tells me I could never post anything that you would equate with the absolute gorgeousness that is Dylan.

And yeah, my track is a cheesy wank fest. I learned from the best (Hendrix).


tonetonitony t1_j20pjhv wrote

I don’t post music here because I want to stay anonymous on Reddit. It’s besides the point, though. You’re the one claiming to be better than Dylan, not me.


PossibilitySuperb465 t1_j20pox3 wrote

Literally never claimed that, only that Dylan is trash and most people are better than Dylan in my opinion.

>It’s besides the point, though.

Lol convenient. Every track you've ever recorded is so tightly correlated to your identity. I'm sure you are Quincy Fuckin' Jones.


tonetonitony t1_j20qx6r wrote

> Literally every person in that room was a better musician than Dylan.


PossibilitySuperb465 t1_j20r06d wrote

lol Fine. Everyone but me. Happy? Honestly, I don't care how good you think I am, or if I'm better than someone else. The only reason I posted anything is to show that I know how to write music.

All you guys do is appeal to popularity, demand support, demand proof of competency, demand agreement, and you provide nothing in return. You aren't even capable of having a technical discussion about Dylan's music seemingly.

Honestly, I'd rather you tell me one specific thing you love about a piece of music Dylan has written, in musical terms. I will go and listen to that thing and try my very hardest to hear it as you do.