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El_misterz_piedra t1_j2fkeg1 wrote

Damn, that's a hard question... Colombian here btw.

I'd say that Carlos Vives has the best songs in my country, though I might be biased due to my mother and me listening to him for years.

Anyways give "Más + Corazón Profundo" (2014) a try. Carlos' music mixes vallenato (a local genre) with pop/reggaeton, and it sounds really good. In this album you can find some popular hits here in Colombia, like "El Mar de Sus Ojos" (One of my favorites) and "Cuando nos volvamos a encontrar". Finally, I also suggest you listening to the album "VIVES" (2017) made by the same singer that also features very good songs, but I'll leave that up to you. :p