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Ahiru77 t1_j1fp6ma wrote

I'm glad Megan is finally vindicated in all of this. She powered through this like a champ.

And rappers who actively sided with Tory just cause they like him need to seriously rethink their values/principles in life.


CutieBoBootie t1_j1gjdsf wrote

DRAKE. 21 SAVAGE. Fuck them.


Logrologist t1_j1gz2gl wrote

Oh, cool. Another reason not to like Drake. (As if I needed more)


jdino t1_j1ioq5j wrote

I can’t believe he lied about being in a wheelchair for so long!


memphis10_901 t1_j1imsy4 wrote

I just can't understand why 21 jumped on a record with Canadian Disney kid ass Drake. I like everything he's done but I tried listening to that new album and turned it off immediately.


WhiskyAtNoon t1_j1j67wp wrote

Jesus everytime drake hopped on bro.... 🤦‍♂️


CutieBoBootie t1_j1in0gu wrote

Well if he had to choose between two d tier Canadian rappers he might as well pick the one with more money 🤷🏻‍♂️


Suncheets t1_j1i8i5j wrote

21 savage suuuuuuuuuuuucks. Twenty one ^twenty ^one


lord_pizzabird t1_j1i3nub wrote

I just wish she had the sense in the first place to call the police, it would have helped her a lot on that front.

Her explanation about fearing how a black person would be treated by police (after shooting someone in the foot) was idiotic at best.

I believe she believed it, but it's a perfect example of how victimizers get away with victimizing others and how it spreads through society.

EDIT: The people downvoting this are racist, whether they realize it or not. Treat all races the same. If you see someone shoot another person or you are yourself shot: Call the fucking police and get help.


pterofactyl t1_j1i7mr4 wrote

Why was it idiotic? It’s true, she knows that if you report a black person has a gun and shot a person, that situation is likely to go downhill very fast. Diminishing her reasoning like that is ignorant of the weight that calling the police has


lord_pizzabird t1_j1id99s wrote

The problem was that in this situation the person had a gun and shot someone already. Regardless of his race the situation was already downhill.

Imagine if he went on to shoot someone else in an erratic fit and she didn't call the police.


pterofactyl t1_j1iekmv wrote

Yes, but do you understand how the possibility of this man being shot unlawfully would cause hesitation? Open your eyes and understand that for many people it’s not as simple as “see crime, call to get man arrested”. She had to fully consider if she wanted this guy to be shot for this


lord_pizzabird t1_j1id0yb wrote

The situation already went downhill. You had a man with a gun, shooting at a woman while yelling "dance".

If the police weren't so afraid to react to people like this, then maybe he wouldn't have felt so emboldened to do what he did.

He literally 'knew' he would get away with it. That's actual privilege. And if it weren't for prosecutors (who weren't afraid of him) he would have gotten away with it.


pterofactyl t1_j1ieqif wrote

What? I’m simply explaining where the hesitation is coming from. If you can’t understand that it Carries more moral weight than the decision on paper then you’re wilfully ignorant.


Ecdamon86 t1_j1i7xfo wrote

Cops need to be less scary to call.


lord_pizzabird t1_j1kho48 wrote

Atleast that's something we can all agree on.

Not calling the police was wrong, but the core issue is that she felt she couldn't call the police.

Hopefully everyone learned a lesson from this: Tory Lanes to stop fucking shooting people and Megan to have more faith in the system.


aangnesiac t1_j1ipr3c wrote

>EDIT: The people downvoting this are racist, whether they realize it or not. Treat all races the same. If you see someone shoot another person or you are yourself shot: Call the fucking police and get help.

This is ridiculous. First, you're making a pretty big assumption about why you're getting down voted. But more importantly, you are effectively suggesting that it is racist when race influences a decision or action. That can only be true in an egalitarian society. Otherwise, you are effectively saying "pretend the problem doesn't exist and it will go away". Which is absurd. Race matters in our country.

Black people have a valid reason to not want to involve the police. You seem to be under the impression that someone must be delusional to feel that way. I'm certain if you earnestly and honestly tried to understand why this mistrust exists then you would realize how ridiculous your comment is. Instead, you seem to be approaching it from the assumption that it has to be unreasonable and trying to prove yourself right.


lord_pizzabird t1_j1kg2jf wrote

>But more importantly, you are effectively suggesting that it is racist when race influences a decision or action.

No, I'm saying that having different rules for different races is racist, because it simply is.

I understand that you mean well and that she probably did to, but the issue is the damage that you're doing to society by further spreading victimization and by giving others a pass to do so.

This wasn't a case where a person said something mean to another person, or littered, or tresspassed even. This was a grown ass man who shot a woman in the foot while yelling, "dance".

You guys are absolutely being racist when you decide that there should be two different sets of rules and regulations for different races. If it were flipped around, you'd be pissed.


aangnesiac t1_j1kmykb wrote

>No, I'm saying that having different rules for different races is racist, because it simply is

And I'm saying that there aren't separate rules but that the rules are more complicated than "if X race, then Y race". It's the same reason that you can't ignore advanced math simply because it's too complicated. History and context must be considered when making "rules". To assert otherwise is in conflict with proper logic.


lord_pizzabird t1_j1kvez5 wrote

There are separate rules, but the suggestion is that there should be.

As you said, history and context matter. Historically speaking, having different rules for different races is how our legal system became what it is today. You're making the same mistake, just going the other direction.

Creating legal priviledge defined by race; That's what you're unintentionally advocating for.

Or what I suspect: You and the rest do.


aangnesiac t1_j1lc0tc wrote

>You're making the same mistake, just going the other direction.

Nope. You've made assumptions. You have conflated the expected reaction to history with racism.


Optimal_Locke t1_j1itzku wrote

You must not be black in America, otherwise this bullshit wouldn't have left your brain. Police terrorize their communities for generations, but they're just supposed to trust them when they're needed. Gtfo


lord_pizzabird t1_j1kg88b wrote

You know who else terrorized a community? Tory Lanez when he shot someone in the foot.

But I see your point, maybe if we gave him a pass on this one shooting he wouldn't go on to do it again.


Optimal_Locke t1_j1khdok wrote

Who is said pass? No one. Literally NO ONE is advocating to give him a pass. We're simply trying to get you to understand where Megan's head was when she didn't want to call the cops. Personally, I wouldn't call the cops unless they were literally the last resort. Cops in America are thugs and I wouldn't trust them to change a light bulb. They'd probably end up shooting someone's kid...


jdino t1_j1ioy88 wrote

The police are racist and black people 100% have a reason and plenty of history to back up their fear of them.

You know all this but have an agenda I’m sure.


[deleted] t1_j1iq3kw wrote



lord_pizzabird t1_j1kh4nx wrote

>Would you feel guilty if the cops came and killed someone you suspected was stealing your bicycle? I

He didn't steal a bicycle. He shot her intentionally.

You're trying to conflate to completely different situations, one where it's more understandable and another where it was absolutely ridiculous given the seriousness of the crime.

>In our world the victim/suspect’s race plays a part in thinking about calling the cops. Until the cops and justice system are trustworthy to minorities they will always hesitate to call

The point I was making above is that this mindset doesn't address or help the problem, but spreads the victimization and

Again, I fully understand and believe that you guys have the best of intentions with this and I totally understand where you're coming from, but it's just not helpful and it's really a lot of what's wrong with our legal system.

Fixing this requires people at an individual level doing what they're supposed to do, from people who witness a violent crime to the officers that respond.