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chandz t1_j1zblk6 wrote

CDs .. were a cheap way to provide music. They were tout d as invincible. Scratch easy. They're cheaper to make and smaller than vinyl, but came out more expensive. Fidelity, not sure about the quality. There's nothing to miss about CDs. Oh and vinyl often gave you awesome inserts, lyrics, pictures etc. CDs often had barest minimum cardboard inserts.


Opus-the-Penguin t1_j20vj03 wrote

> CDs .. were a cheap way to provide music.

Vinyl and cassette were much cheaper. When CDs came out in the mid-80s they sold for $14.99. LPs of the same albums sold for $7.99, sometimes $4.99. We bought CDs if we could afford them (sometimes even if we couldn't) because they sounded SO MUCH BETTER.

The vinyl albums that went all out to give you LP-sized inserts were definitely a treat. CDs cannot compete on that.