Submitted by kingjaffejaffar t3_zy9art in Music

I’m a musician trying to get my gigging bands out of my local area, but I’m struggling to build any social media following. It seems like social media followers is all venues and bookers care about. How can I tell if the issue is one of operator error (not posting the right way, not tagging correctly, not the right ads, etc) verses one of making music people don’t want?



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Charming-Twist-7514 t1_j24ix0x wrote

Maybe one of your fans/followers is a marketing student or marketing pro who would be willing to help you in exchange for special access or free tickets etc


teberzin t1_j24hg7p wrote

If you like the music you’re making it means there are people going to love it as well. Because you can’t be the only one in the world loving that music. But yeah like you said you have to know your market. And if you’re one of the possible listeners of your music you can use yourself as marketing experiments.

I’m not sure what kind of product you’re working but c’mon how many times you started to listen someone just because you find on social medias. My suggestion would be try to participate on spotify lists. They’re kinda workin as a nowadays music curators.

P.s: I’m not a music expert nor a marketing guy just answering as a average music lover. So probably you can get a better advice from an expert lol.


AKACharlieRock t1_j24h4hw wrote

What area? And let people you don’t really know hear the music, your inner circle and yourself will be biased no matter how hard you try not to be


kingjaffejaffar OP t1_j24hs3y wrote

Small city in south Louisiana. This market is notorious for being dominated by cover bands and having little to no interest in supporting original music.


AKACharlieRock t1_j24ii0n wrote

When I started (I am a producer) we had a local radio station that would help new artists, any chance of that on your town? Also, college radio (radio is still valid btw), when Justin beiber got signed, at first no label would give him the time of day, but his following was growing, so he set up outside the record label and performed and a lot of his fans showed up and they signed him. Think outside the box, YOU HAVE TO RISE ABOVE THE NOISE. 100,000 songs are uploaded to various steaming sites EVERY DAY!


kingjaffejaffar OP t1_j24iug1 wrote

We don’t even have a current rock station that reaches more than 15 miles outside of New Orleans. Most of South Louisiana has nothing but classic rock stations, rap, Nashville country, and top 40 radio.

Not that many people still listen to FM regardless. I have had my songs pop up on local spotlights on stations before, but no big bumps from it.


DiaDollasignPora t1_j27sgx2 wrote

As someone who grew up near Lafayette, Louisiana is hard unless you are linked in with all of the good ole boys.

If you want to expand your reaches out of there, you need to know who your audience is. Post things that they like / keep them entertained. You need to post regularly. You have to intermingle some of who y’all are and a bit of music sprinkled here and there. The current market demands you be an entertainer and musician not just a musician anymore.

Would you mind sharing links to your social so that way I can get a better grasp and maybe can give an accurate critique?


kingjaffejaffar OP t1_j28kpjl wrote


DiaDollasignPora t1_j290oyh wrote

Ok so I was able to review it. (I haven’t gotten deep into IG marketing for a while, so my knowledge may be a bit dated. I would recommend looking into music marketing for IG via YouTube to get the up to date nuances but I grew my following by 250 in 6 months in 2016. Short form videos Tiktok is the current way to get the most out of social at them moment.)

So the first thing that can be done better is posting on a schedule (as close as realistically possible for you guys.) it’s hard to make sure you have 3 posts hitting at the exact same time everyday. They make tools for timing out your posts, hootsuite is a good piece of software for blasting out posts at a certain time. You can set up everything in advance (like Sunday or whatever day is slow for the person who primarily runs the social.) shoot for one post a day in the beginning, anything consistent is better than inconsistentcy. Use your insights to see whenever your followers are online the most and try to hit those times / days. There is a recommended amount and what that is currently I am unaware of. (7 videos a week would be optimal, but you can offset that with photos as long as you have one per day at the peak times based upon your insights.)

Video will always out perform photos. Everyday of the week this is true, it gives people something to watch and short form videos are the way to go. The most liked piece of content was whenever y’all were having the pre show burger. Because it was funny when he said “bussin” right at the end. This is good because it shows you what people like that y’all are capable of doing. So I’d say make more funny or goofy videos. The good news is you are in a band so more heads are better than one to brain storm this.

I would make a metric ass load of videos ahead of time. By doing this you can upload to something like hootsuite, whatever software you choose. So that way it makes posting a lot easier and it will do the time released posting.

Also y’all aren’t utilizing the power of hashtags. Whether the post is a photo or video I would recommend adding 5 relevant hashtags per post. Don’t worry about deleting past posts just do it on future posts. (I would give examples but Reddit is in markdown so I can’t use hashtags to show you but I am sure y’all know what those are.) The tags put your content in the search and it makes it easier for people to find you, and whenever people are browsing certain tags and see the videos/photos and like it. It drives traffic to you videos / photos.

The best way of adding hashtags is in paragraph form. It is smooth and people seem to prefer this over adding them at the end of your post.

The bold is an example, since Reddit is written in markdown a hashtag ends up being a title lol so I am trying to avoid that. avoiding markdown Reddit hashtag bold

^this is the way I primarily did it and nothing is wrong with it. The first method takes some getting used to but this is an alternative way of doing it as well. USE THEM HASHTAGS, that is a easy free win for you guys!!

The next suggestion is upgrading the quality of the videos. Image quality is great. What I am mainly referring to is your live performances. If one of y’all has a portable recorder with XLR, or 1/4 inch input / output. I would see if venues will let you patch into the main output. You don’t need a studio quality mix, but something to help clean out the sound of the room a bit. This could help you improve the quality of live videos. It is still the sounds of you guys performing, but you can go back in post and edit the video by overlaying the sound in a video editing software. Then I would post those slightly shortened videos whenever y’all perform. It would greatly improve the quality of your overall video and it will have good returns. If no one has a portable recorder, a prograde one should run $500 -750. Anything above that is because you want it not because it’s any better per se. It just has features the purchaser wants. Ask the house engineer if he/she would set that up when y’all do sound check, and then press record before your set. (Not all will allow this but it’s always worth a shot.) and even if you can still post what you can when you can. But if the opportunity to do this is there, utilize this!!

I have heard your recorded music on Spotify. The quality is there you are a talented bunch and the work y’all put in shows.

To answer your original question this is 100% user error , your product is Great! You don’t know what you don’t know. This should help you out regardless of the fact that I haven’t been active on IG. I would recommend studying up on music marketing on IG / Tiktok. You will get alot of this repeated but you will get some new techniques that I am unaware of.

You have 200+ followers this is a great start. Don’t miss a day and post what y’all can, they will tell you crazy numbers but remember corporations have people who’s job is to handle social so just do what y’all can. If you do this I can guaran-fucking-tee in 6 months you will see exponential growth and staying consistent in a year you will be flabbergasted.

DO NOT FUCKING BUY FOLLOWERS. This will dilute your numbers when trying to gauge things.

If there is anything that I can clarify just shoot me a message I am more than happy to help.

Sorry about the long ass post please excuse all spelling and grammar issues! 😉Good luck

Edit: Whenever I was saying new comer in the post with that rude ass, it was meaning to some form or facet. I can tell y’all know how to play instruments, but y’all may be new to social media marketing. Sorry if that was taken the wrong way. People like him have discouraged countless others and I can’t stand that shit.


kingjaffejaffar OP t1_j293s7a wrote

There is lots of good information here. I really don’t understand the hashtags. That may be a big issue with user error. As for videos, that’s been a huge struggle since only one of us has a remotely decent camera phone and it’s tough to be performing and manning the camera. Would it be worth our while to hire someone occasionally for that? We’ve done it for a couple shows, including our most recent one, but I keep having issues with the video being out of sync with the audio when I try to download it (It works right when streaming). Editing video is my kryptonite.


DiaDollasignPora t1_j2950nn wrote

Screenshot that info and read it when you can so you never lose that stuff. It’s there for your benefit. Share it with your band mates because it may help split the responsibility a bit.

If any of you has a girlfriend or a family member or a friend that can handle the phone that would be fantastic. But a professional will always give the best result it just costs. If cost is of no consequence, hire a pro and see if they will handle the video edits for y’all.

Fiver may have people that do audio synchronization. Look for someone with a good reputation (some of them people don’t know what they are doing on the low end so you have to sift through shit.) but that is a cost effective way of doing it and if y’all find someone on there that does good work stick with them.


RaycharlesN t1_j251ew4 wrote

I listened to your YouTube and I like your band, it’s sort of emo - not the most popular genre right now. I think the name is stupid though, it’s offensive to older people and I don’t know why you’d want to insult the people with money who would probably listen to this genre.


kingjaffejaffar OP t1_j251ru8 wrote

I also have another band (sorta 70’s classic hard rock sound) with the same problem, but no meme name.


RaycharlesN t1_j252et9 wrote

Man that is the hottest new genre to me, the new wave of classic rock is hot. Dirty Honey is badass, goodbye June, I can go on and on.. if that’s your vibe than you’re in the right place at the right time. You have to connect with that crowd. It’s getting big.


AKACharlieRock t1_j25moru wrote

Well back to your other original question… let people that aren’t afraid to hurt your feelings listen to your music, not that they will, but you need an unbiased review, maybe post it?


[deleted] t1_j27o160 wrote

>I’m a musician trying to get my gigging bands out of my local area, but I’m struggling to build any social media following.

That is not important. You will get that "FoLlOwInG" when you do gigs.


>It seems like social media followers is all venues and bookers care about.

No they are not, they want to sell tickets and drinks because they need to break even, so why wouldn't a venue book a school band who plays shitty nirvana covers? Because they don't bring in attendee's thats why... Maybe you should ask the venue if it is possible to be opener for an other band who plays the same genre; that is how you start, there is no other way. Unless you get lucky and go viral on the internets; but those careers are mostly short lived.


>How can I tell if the issue is one of operator error (not posting the right way, not tagging correctly, not the right ads, etc) verses one of making music people don’t want?

You can't, you are in the beginner stage of the music industry; nobody except for your friends probably knows your band. Do opener gigs and you will gain momentum.


kingjaffejaffar OP t1_j28kkdv wrote

The problem is I’m not really a beginner. One band has been around for 8 years, the other just one, but I have been gigging consistently for 13 years. One of those bands got some good opening slots like for Adelitas Way. Never cracked 800 followers on Instagram.


[deleted] t1_j28qeer wrote

Ok something is clearly not going the right way; or you do something that only appeals to a small audience (nothing wrong with that, but you want more I guess) or you are simply not "intresting".

Maybe you should fix your "act" or start doing something that appeals to a lot of people (which is eventually fixing your act).


DiaDollasignPora t1_j27stsp wrote

That’s a bit harsh, who pissed in your cheerios?? You don’t need to fucking rip someone’s gizzards out and talk shit because you think they are new. Judging from your icon you must be bitter about “that knee injury” you got back in highschool that kept you from “the majors”.

Someone is asking for help and you come in here shooting off at the mouth. You must have a metric fuck ton of friends. /s


[deleted] t1_j27u6u2 wrote

I was not a football player in high school, I am just giving him genuine advice on how to get a live gig. I have + 10 years of experience in the music industry as a professional touring musician, sound engineer and producer.

You take it way to personal.


DiaDollasignPora t1_j27u8p1 wrote

Links or you are full of it


DiaDollasignPora t1_j27ulws wrote

Btw I am in no way affiliated with OP, I just see someone trying to crush “rookies”, and if you have any success someone had to help you as well. That’s why I’m getting on your case re-read what you said in your original response.


[deleted] t1_j27x18r wrote

I am not crushing rookies; if you can't take criticism or "harsh" words you don't belong in the music/show bizz anyway, besides that I don't need to prove some random anonymous person on reddit anything about my musical career.

You can take my advice and start as an "opening act" for bigger bands, or you could leave it and do nothing; I dont care.

Edit: Yes I got help by someone who was already inside the industry, they give me the most valuable advice I've ever had, you know what it was?



DiaDollasignPora t1_j27x3vy wrote

So proud of your success, you are full of shit bro


[deleted] t1_j27xdtm wrote

Whateverthefuck ever dude, take it or leave it.

see ya


DiaDollasignPora t1_j27xgag wrote

I don’t need that advice. I’m here to help. 😉

Edit: and if you were worth your salt you can spot holes in some of the shit I said to you in response to your “big titles” 10 years experiences , you did it for 6 months 9.5 years ago.


DiaDollasignPora t1_j27wxsf wrote

I’m assuming you must be digging through your pile of gold and platinum records to get your credentials. You know because after 10+ years surely you would be proud of your success not putting “shitty nirvana highschool covers” OP actually writes there own music, but you were too busy mouthing off to realize that.

You are the type of audio engineer who uses phantom power on a ribbon mic.

You are the type of producer who only knows tabs, because learning music theory is “a waste of time”.

You must be in Sesac, because all of the other plebeians are either with ascap or bmi.

You are the type of musician who “doesn’t need to practice.”

I bet you have no idea what any of that means^


Have a good night “Professional”


[deleted] t1_j27xs01 wrote

You are funny haha, I had a laugh, ty.

You know that "shitty nirvana highschool covers" was methaphorical and not personal in anyway to the OP?

Do you actually have any signs of intelligence or are you just a jobless hoodrat who is bashing everyone who doesn't agree? I don't care anyway, you are going nowhere buddy...

You are the stereotype of a failed angy musician.


DiaDollasignPora t1_j27xu62 wrote

You know a Royer is a ribbon mic that uses phantom power right?


DiaDollasignPora t1_j27xwci wrote

And it’s one of the only ones that needs it, most others ones fry whenever you turn on phantom power on the pre-amp


[deleted] t1_j27xy45 wrote

Take your meds kid


DiaDollasignPora t1_j27y0l1 wrote

Lol sounds like you can’t really back your bullshit up. Go fucking write a song you fucking wannabe


[deleted] t1_j27z7te wrote

You start talking in thin air about mic's which is completely offtopic, you swear a lot and then say I cannot back myself up? For what should I back myself up for and unveil my anonymity for such a dangerous psychopath like you? I got nothing to prove to you....

I am starting to think you are schizophrenic or something.

Do you actually understand that nobody want's to work with people like you?


DiaDollasignPora t1_j27zb6p wrote

You said you were an audio engineer….. wouldn’t microphones be relevant to that portion of the conversation?


DiaDollasignPora t1_j27ze7b wrote

You said called me a hoodrat which indicates that you have a bias. Don’t you know no one wants to work with a racist?

Edit: and if you were really in the industry the way you approached a new comer, you would think you’d realize no one works with dickheads.


DiaDollasignPora t1_j27zxrb wrote

You have 10 more minutes of my time and then you aren’t getting anything else from me so make it count.


DiaDollasignPora t1_j280t4e wrote

Okay here is some advice from person to person.

For someone who says “You shouldn’t be in show biz if you can’t handle harsh words.” Who immediately accuses someone of being a psycho for swearing…. You need to stop being a dick to people if you can’t handle people doing the same to you. No one made any threats.

If you are going to walk around saying you are a big success in music, it’s only natural people ask you for proof. anybody can say anything

I was testing you and you failed. Maybe you did it in the 70’s or something but you clearly haven’t been anywhere near a recording studio in decades. And Microphones are super relevant if you are an audio engineer whether it’s a studio engineer or live sound.

All you did was talk shit when you got called out which is how someone who is lying responds. Everyone wants to be a musician until you have to do musician shit.

I hope you get your head out of your ass, and if you are such a big success, nothing I am saying should bother you at all.

Be nice and people will do the same.



[deleted] t1_j283egy wrote

What ever kid, go fuck yourself ok? I've never said I was a big succes only that I got +- 10 years of experience in the bizz, that is something else.

You are just looking for a fight, people like you are called troublemakers.

I won't reply anymore on your stupid shit so spare yourself the energy from replying ok, it won;t be read.

Goodbye and goodriddance.