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FlamesoftheEnd t1_j1uulge wrote

Then why are you even making this post??! Idgaf calling me sheep ohhhhhh no you got me there lol. You realize most people that call others that are sheeps themselves?? So are you one too?!! You’re not going to get anyone to side with you on this bs. Maybe get to your point a little quicker than just spouting out nonsense after nonsense 👌 cool


NavJongUnPlayandwon OP t1_j1v139p wrote

Irony. You jumped to a conclusion without even reading. That makes you a sheep! There’s nothing to it. It’s a thing called logic buddy. Clearly you don’t know hat either. Just cuz ur a diehard Chris brown hater don’t mean you gotta take it out on me. Read a book. Pick up some hobbies.
