Submitted by NavJongUnPlayandwon t3_zwfy3w in Music

I know. I can sense the downvotes coming and the furious typing, but i'll try to keep it short and sweet and ask you just hear my out. I'll even link a couple references. Don't hate. Constructive arguments please. I looked into this with a neutral mind.

Link: Emm✨ on Twitter: "Since Chris Brown is trending here’s a thread of accusations regarding him that have been proven false and I’ll be using this article to do so, please take the time to read the whole two threads you’ll learn something🙏🏾 #ChrisBrown" / Twitter

Scott Ross Represented Chris Brown in Assault Rihanna Case, Chris Suffered Injuries Too (Part 9) - YouTube (Rihanna approved of this btw).

One incident that really sticks out for Chris Brown and absolutely haunts him to this day, 13 years plus later, is the Rihanna incident. The thread covers some of that. But as a neutral, and after looking into it for a bit, I feel it has to be heard. Chris is in the wrong 1000% for being reckless, impulsive, and doing the damage he did to her. he's meant to be the man in the situation and trying to defuse the situation. I'm not victim-blaming Rihanna. My point is it wasn’t this one-way street of the horrifying damage Chris inflicted upon her in that moment of madness like the police report lets on. Seeing the images of the injuries of Rihanna and the police report. It just doesn't add up. Especially Chris would be able to do all this while driving. Rihanna wasn’t this innocent angel when she aggressed the situation and took it to a physical level despite Chris constantly urging for her to drop it so he could drive to the Grammys while denying he had no idea about this girl Rihanna suspected chris was lying on. Apparently, Rihanna was under the influence of alcohol and pot at the time, apparently underage aswell and the authorities did nothing about it. You gotta remember Chris was driving this rented Lambo, trying to not crash. I had even heard from Rihanna's lawyer somewhere on Reddit that Chris never got violent like the police report described and only ever said those criminal threats apparently as a last measure to get Rihanna to drop it. I'd even looked up online that a police report can be inaccurate as the authorities are only human after in their observations. im not bashing the authorities by any means. im simply questioning the approach they took to a situation where no one will truly billion percent know what happened that night. This was a case where the two of them could've gotten therapy before it got so toxic and physical like this. trust issues. Rihanna was hella forgiving towards Chris and took him back immediately cuz she knew he was never this abuser and knew she wasn't the innocent angel in that situation the media portrayed her to be. She disagreed with the restraining order the judge imposed on Chris aswell. Chris wanted to protect her, cared for her when he turned himself in and refused to speak about the situation for Rihanna's privacy at the time, and supported her speaking out about the situation while he took all the flack and losses. rihanna's family forgave chris aswell after seeing how remorseful he was about it. Shame all this never came out in 2009 for as much as I know, could’ve really given a deep insight into what really happened. A lot was lost for Chris once ppl heard of it as Chris brown just beat up Rihanna and made criminal threats and took it there. blackballled big time. The truth matters. That's just kinda how i saw it after looking into it for a while. What do you all think? I ask you to be constructive and not spam insults my way and look into this aswell.

i get ppl hate that he's polarizing and really unfiltered and how he handles certain allegations, but that's just him playing up to the monster image a lot of media paint him as even after he's a different person. he's like i'll show you a monster. worth mentioning i dont blame chris too much for acting this way cuz a lot of media have treated him and his name as a punching bag ever since 2009 because he's the hot topic. Likes of Charlie Sheen, Jay Z never got the heat Chris got even though you could argue they were worse. can't bash him for being enraged, and impulsive. Chris grew to be quite toxic imo as the years passed from the drugs and mental health problems. I'm pretty sure he said so many times that music was his way to escape reality and connect with his fans. I'm not a diehard Chris Brown fan btw. I'm playing devil's advocate here.



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HotpieTargaryen t1_j1ue5qh wrote

I don’t know how you thought playing Chris Brown apologist based on some dubious and not really relevant facts was gonna be seen as offensive…


NavJongUnPlayandwon OP t1_j1ulfzr wrote

How am I Chris brown apologist when Im legit condemning him for what he did? 😂😂😂😂 this time actually read through the post. What do you mean not relevant facts? I’m legit breaking down the details about the situation in 2009 that were lost in translation. Everyone legit sees this situation as Chris brown beating Rihanna and that’s it.. hella shallow.


FlamesoftheEnd t1_j1uo257 wrote

No one wants to read your lame ass paragraphs about Chris Brown


NavJongUnPlayandwon OP t1_j1utu8a wrote

So ur pretty much admitting your a sheep? Assuming I’m a Chris brown apologist without actually reading half the post or references and blindly hating Chris brown. 😂😂


FlamesoftheEnd t1_j1uulge wrote

Then why are you even making this post??! Idgaf calling me sheep ohhhhhh no you got me there lol. You realize most people that call others that are sheeps themselves?? So are you one too?!! You’re not going to get anyone to side with you on this bs. Maybe get to your point a little quicker than just spouting out nonsense after nonsense 👌 cool


NavJongUnPlayandwon OP t1_j1v139p wrote

Irony. You jumped to a conclusion without even reading. That makes you a sheep! There’s nothing to it. It’s a thing called logic buddy. Clearly you don’t know hat either. Just cuz ur a diehard Chris brown hater don’t mean you gotta take it out on me. Read a book. Pick up some hobbies.


BlazedReaperX t1_j1v8rqw wrote

You don’t have to be a sheep to not want to read a fucking essay about Chris brown. 😂


boogerzzzzz t1_j1udaxv wrote

I thought you were going to try and make this short? Here, have my downvote.


NavJongUnPlayandwon OP t1_j1ul77z wrote

There’s no short way of putting it lol. Hella drawn out situation


FlamesoftheEnd t1_j1uupp1 wrote

Yeah man hella complicated right??! You’re a clown


NavJongUnPlayandwon OP t1_j1v1o49 wrote

Buddy you can’t even talk. You don’t even know how to read.


FlamesoftheEnd t1_j1v1ung wrote

How many downvotes you getting for this?!! Lol 😂 😂 keep trying to justify it, you’re making yourself look worse and worse 👍


NavJongUnPlayandwon OP t1_j1wuatk wrote

what exactly am i justifying here? you really think i give a fuck about downvotes. not a reddit nerd like you on reddit 24/7


[deleted] t1_j1v9lnu wrote

It's not complicated. He's a violent shithead with a lot more to back that up than just what he did to Rihanna.

Fuck him and anybody who tries to make him out to be anything other than a violent piece of shit.


NavJongUnPlayandwon OP t1_j1wut3k wrote


[deleted] t1_j1x1pdd wrote

Lol you can look at his police records, man.

We get it, you wanna defend a violent thug because he sings pretty. And deny that you're doing it lol. Just go on, man. Nobody is buying your bullshit.


NavJongUnPlayandwon OP t1_j1xl1t6 wrote

i aint defending shit when i legit condemed chris for what he did in 2009? you would know that if you could actually read. plus buddy it doesnt take a genius to see the police report is inaccurate if you actually did your research and saw how rihanna and her lawyers explained the incident aswell later on chris in 2017. do you not understand that police reports can be naturally inacurrate because the authorties are human after all and aren't perfect in their investigation of a situation where no-one would a billion percent know what fully happened..


[deleted] t1_j1xmpv9 wrote

"I'm not defending him, now listen to my defense of him."



NavJongUnPlayandwon OP t1_j1y5gp4 wrote

yeah cuz me condeming chris brown in the original post and saying he was wrong for what he did here aswell and mentioning all the lost details about in translation about this situation is apparently somehow in ur delusional mind, me defending him. putting words in my mouth only makes you look even more of an idiot.


[deleted] t1_j1z0ssr wrote

I'm not sure the guy defending a violent criminal has any room calling anyone else an idiot.

I like how this entire thread is you getting clowned on, but you just refuse to see it.



NavJongUnPlayandwon OP t1_j1z40lv wrote

its not my fault you can't read simple sentences bud. lol nearly all the sheep who swarmed this thread who blindly hate came to put words in my mouth and struggle to read and didn't even read the thread like you, and put words in my mouth shush. Not my fault you can’t handle reality


[deleted] t1_j1zgbbr wrote

The reality is that you are defending a violent thug, and justifying him beating women.

No matter how much you deny it, everything you have written here is exactly that. You are a fucking clown.


NavJongUnPlayandwon OP t1_j22t0yh wrote

the REAL reality is you can't read. apparently, me condemning chris brown and saying how much he fucked up with how he handled the rihanna situation is me defending him. that is some amazing logic. me explaining the lost details about the situation that were never brought up much and especially in 2009 has you up in ur feelings. keep blindly stroking your hate boner for chris brown tho. idgaf. p.s. its best to properly convey your point without being racial. just cuz chris is a black man doesn't make him a thug.


[deleted] t1_j23nsbg wrote

Nobody brought up his race but you, dipshit. He's a thug because he has a long history of violence and stupid behavior. And you want to make excuses and defend him.



NavJongUnPlayandwon OP t1_j23o0dq wrote

whatever helps you sleep at night (oh)

Hope you're comfortable layin' your head down on your pride (pride)

Holdin' on to lonely ego with your bitter lies

But whatever helps you sleep at night, at night



Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh, no, no, ooh



[deleted] t1_j23ox4d wrote

Are those Chris Brown lyrics?

Well, at least you aren't being really weird and cringey about this.

Just kidding. That's the lamest, cringiest thing I've ever fucking seen. What are you, a god damn 14 year old girl? Holy hell, you wanna ride that dude's dick so bad.

Why don't you just make the thread you really want to make, and admit that you wanna suck his dick and be the next victim of his violent outbursts?


[deleted] t1_j23p89s wrote

I just went and looked at your post history, what a fucking Stan lol. Like, half of your history is you dick riding Chris Brown and trying to justify his violence.



Wildestrose1988 t1_j1ufv7q wrote

I want to know why people overlooked this shit when his music is mediocre LMAO


NavJongUnPlayandwon OP t1_j1ulbk2 wrote

What do you mean?


Wildestrose1988 t1_j1utvpw wrote

I mean i understand separating art from artist or giving second chances to people who don't suck. He's been making generic autotuned trash for a decade. He could be anyone


famonty t1_j1w0u86 wrote

Nah bro. He's been condemned for his shitty behaviour. Case closed. Don't try to make your interpretation of the situation as evidence. And the documentary you linked is produced by brown + it's a marketing strategy to promote his last album, so it's heavily biased. Having the guy talking about regrets, while still justifying himself, with an emotional music behind doesnt change the fact that he's an abuser. Don't see how this is going to convince anybody but people who so blindly want to like him. It's even more clear when we know that the rihanna's case wasn't the last time the guy acted like a piece of shit. He fucked up big time and had to deal with the consequences.


NavJongUnPlayandwon OP t1_j1wvnag wrote

Yes? i'm not arguing what he did to rihanna lol. thats not the point. buddy the documentary where he opened about the rihanna case was something approved by rihanna herself and her legal team. it's not biased lol. chris brown doesn't need a marketing strategy. heartbreak on a full moon did amazing numbers for chris even before the documentary. chris never actually talked about the rihanna case before this. bruh not much was ever revealed about the rihanna case back in 2009 other than rihanna talking about it. but the point is the media and hate majority never gave a shit about domestic violence or rihanna. it was mainly just a hate train for chris cuz the likes of jay z and charlie sheen never got a fraction of the backlash chris got when they arguably done worse.


famonty t1_j1x2o8m wrote

I dont know much about those other cases honestly, so i can’t speak. The backlash might have been stronger for Brown, i can’t tell. But even if other people did much worst things than him and got away with it, doesnt invalidate the fact that he deserved it. It felt weird to me cause you make it sounds like because there’s worst shit going on with impunity people should’ve gone softer on him, and maybe i didn’t get your point (english is not my native language). But as i said on my first comment, there’s several instances where the guy acted like a piece of shit. So yes of course it’s fuel for the hate train. Just my opinion tho.


NavJongUnPlayandwon OP t1_j1xk6zy wrote

its not a might. trust i can remember back in 2009 and how badly chris was getting blackballed. it was pretty career ending and im still surprised that chris managed to still make a comeback. again im not invalidating any of his punishments. chris pled guilty so he deserves the consequences. simple. that aint the argument tho. im not saying anyone should go softer on him. im saying the hate is so forced and over the top at this point. eg. mia khalifa.


Damn_it_billy t1_j1uigel wrote

Who the fuck is Chris Brown?... is he the son of Errol Brown or something..? Or like a nephew of Barry White? Or a cousin of Cilla Black?


NavJongUnPlayandwon OP t1_j1ulhmo wrote

He once dubbed the next Michael Jackson….


FlamesoftheEnd t1_j1uusmu wrote

Dubbed that by who??! Idiot fan girls that are 11 years old??!


NavJongUnPlayandwon OP t1_j1v1eft wrote

Many other artists regarded him as this generations closest thing to Michael Jackson. I personally disagree with that. Crawl out ur cave. Plus have you heard any of his music?


FlamesoftheEnd t1_j1v1nt5 wrote

Of course I’ve heard his music lol. You’re not winning here bro, you’re at the wrong place. Everyone here is gonna trash Chris Brown and they’re gonna trash you for starting this dumb af thread.


NavJongUnPlayandwon OP t1_j1wu5ot wrote

first of all you can't talk because you haven't read my post or even seen the references.


m3ltph4ce t1_j1ux8yt wrote



NavJongUnPlayandwon OP t1_j1v1ig6 wrote

Many other artists regarded him as this generations closest thing to Michael Jackson. I personally disagree with that. Crawl out ur cave. Plus have you heard any of his music?


FoundOnExit9Teen t1_j1vuy6d wrote

What compelled you to write this


NavJongUnPlayandwon OP t1_j1ww27y wrote

hey im just playing devils advocate/neutral. a lot of these idiots who can't read are out here really saying im a chris apologist and all this bs when im legit CONDEMING chris for what he did. almost all these fools who saw my post clearly are just sheep.


NavJongUnPlayandwon OP t1_j1uczup wrote

To give a perspective on how much Chris Brown lost to this incident. I'll break it down.

- 7 years in probation

-5 months in jail

(i argue these two sentences are fair considering chris did plead guilty and owned up to it .)


-sponsors like wriggly (doublemint ad) in 2008 dropped him, he got stripped from sesame street. the see the signs song he did with elmo is no longer part of that episode.

-Banned from visiting other countries.

-20 MILLION DOLLARS + loss of endorsement deals.

-Banned from award shows

-Blackballed albums as well know like his Graffiti album at the time in 2009.


Accomplished_Crab392 t1_j1uklpv wrote



NavJongUnPlayandwon OP t1_j1uliig wrote

What do you mean good? 😂😂


FlamesoftheEnd t1_j1uo5xc wrote

It’s good because he deserved all that. He’s a pos, stop defending this loser


NavJongUnPlayandwon OP t1_j1uufoc wrote

Do you all just struggle to read? I’m legit condemning Chris for what he did. That’s something you’d know if you even read half the post. I swear y’all are just sheep, blindly hating


m3ltph4ce t1_j1ux7of wrote

Why would he deserve redemption?


NavJongUnPlayandwon OP t1_j1v0s3o wrote

I’m not saying he deserves redemption? Read again.


FlamesoftheEnd t1_j1v1gqp wrote

No one wants to read your fucking novel about Chris Brown. That’s why people are against you. Maybe develop a clearer thought next time, you’re just digging yourself a hole here 😂


NavJongUnPlayandwon OP t1_j1v1ug8 wrote

I’ll listen to your words of wisdom sheep… once I’m shown evidence that you can read, and have a brain inside that head of yours.


FlamesoftheEnd t1_j1v23zt wrote

Lol 👌 shouldn’t you be painting your nails with his other pre teen fans??! 💅 you’re a clown, oh and you’re a sheep too! 🤡 🐑 😂


Accomplished_Crab392 t1_j1vatyy wrote

I think it’s good he lost all the items listed and more due to his own reckless decisions and his alone. Does that clear it up?


NavJongUnPlayandwon OP t1_j1wuxsc wrote

i defo believe he deserved to be punished for that moment of madness and not being the man in the situation and defusing the situation. but nah. only thing revealed about this case other than rihanna talking about it.


Accomplished_Crab392 t1_j1x0i2s wrote

I’m not sure what you think this proves, especially since you claim to not want redemption for him.


NavJongUnPlayandwon OP t1_j1xm7y3 wrote

im talking about how the hate is so forced and over the top. i say this because the media and these fans like mia khalifa for eg dont give a fuck about domestic violence or rihanna. it was more about hate chris brown kind of train thats kept going since 2009. i think he already got his redemption when he made things right with rihanna and her family once the restraining order expired. for the public, i dont thin he'll ever achieve that because the rihanna incident just seems to stick wiith him regardless how much he's changed.


Accomplished_Crab392 t1_j1xpfzi wrote

Yeah I mean, that’s the consequences of his own actions. The photo of Rihanna from that night is a hard one to forget, and I’d hardly say he’s done his due diligence in cleaning up his image or anything or the sort in recent years; quite frankly, you seem to care more about his reputation than he does.