I personally believe it's going to be like Billie Bosa Nova and chill for the most part.
Cat_Fan3 OP t1_j23tfi7 wrote
psychpostie t1_j23tjfh wrote
Dull, repetitive mumbled nonsense with no redeeming musical merit.
GlueForSniffing t1_j240njy wrote
I kind of have to agree. She has moments . . . like she or her brother find good beats and again she finds little ways to pivot and use her voice in a way that is really emotive and pretty . . .
BUT she relies so heavily on the same vocal tone and the same limiting range that when it's the entirety of the song and is MULTIPLE songs it just . . . loses the appeal. She doesn't mix it up enough.
Not everything can be sort of monotoned like that and not have ways to give it flourish. I know she isn't a belter but there are ways to inflect or add texture that she just hasn't figured out yet that would give her more dimension musically.
It's like when Lana Del Rey hit that bump for a while and released stuff like "High By The Beach " because it was just a formula that worked.
Cat_Fan3 OP t1_j23tlwi wrote
psychpostie t1_j23twgz wrote
Nope, just honest in my opinions.
fiddlenutz t1_j23t776 wrote
Another collection of mumble whispers.
AlternativeEnd9188 t1_j23vhuq wrote
Who cares lol
Boxofbikeparts t1_j245rbj wrote
Finnish black metal. I heard from a source.
psychpostie t1_j24l8gd wrote
We can but hope
ExternalPiglet1 t1_j23uh76 wrote
I feel like she missed a step, she went from off-beat and quirky, to an opener for Chet Baker. She's got the range to make interesting melody, yet the beats need to get off the couch again.
MentalistTherapist00 t1_j23w9tm wrote
whispering again
ryancementhead t1_j240tss wrote
Maybe she’ll try Screamo next. Go to the opposite end of the spectrum.
amorningofsleep t1_j240w2d wrote
Hoping for either a grindcore or skramz route.
Johnny_Segment t1_j23zh26 wrote
be nice to see her collaborate with some other artists, hopefully some obscure but talented people who could use the exposure.
GlueForSniffing t1_j241136 wrote
Honestly I agree. I think she needs someone who is like her but different to add a little mayhem or someone to take her under their wing.
I think KIMBRA would be the perfect person. KIMBRA is a fucking madwoman when it comes to production, versatility, mixing it up, remixing herself live, using technology. She's a genius. I think Billie could learn a LOT from her.
mintindie t1_j242a00 wrote
I feel like it might be the same as her last two albums, but if she can switch up her style and start incorporating other genres and maybe add some fun guest artists she can definitely make an AOTY. One can only hope
d3m01iti0n t1_j2599n6 wrote
Whispering over beep boop beats. Only with cleavage this time.
SillyPuttyGizmo t1_j25szvb wrote
I'm voting for a cat with their tail in a slammed door
jfhjjfgjj t1_j27ao4e wrote
It’ll probably sound like every other pop record that’s coming out right now.
peter__pooptits t1_j27jdlg wrote
Am i old if i dont know who that is?
peter__pooptits t1_j27jejt wrote
REloaded94 t1_j28hq3p wrote
Like she's talking, just like all her other songs
djwixel t1_j24mtqz wrote
Shit, as always
TheBlackHandofFate t1_j24nd24 wrote
Like she is in the bathroom singing to herself very quietly while sitting on the toilet.
kingjaffejaffar t1_j24q01i wrote
She will whisper while a bass track and soft synth keyboard chords play in the background in 4/4 time. Some program percussion will come in on the quarter notes and eventually build to a chorus where she’ll almost sorta sing.
JoeCorsonStageDeli t1_j25i3mk wrote
It will sound like something that I hate. This I can pretty much be sure of.
GeniusorPervert2 t1_j26pi1z wrote
psychpostie t1_j23sjes wrote
Probably the same as her other records