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Kind_Bullfrog_4073 t1_j2b50jy wrote

On stage maybe, but Right Now's a better song than most of Roth's.


mayoriguana t1_j2boojj wrote

Horrendous take


w0-lf t1_j2dl47p wrote

Saw Sammy live recently and Dave ten years ago. Sammy was by far the better showman today than Dave a decade ago. Sorry you hang on, but Dave sucks today.

Dave couldn’t remember the words to his own songs. Sammy released a new album this year that spanks.


Legitimate_Web_7245 t1_j2f2laf wrote

Still a huge DLR fan but not from his live performances. When he and SH went on tour I was looking forward to a great show from both of them. Well, SH wiped the stage with DLR. Sammy came on first and put on a tremendous show. DLR came on and after it was over, I thought he should hang it up. That was 20 years ago. His voice was a lot better than when he got back with VH but you could tell the damage was done. I wouldn't have went to a VH concert if tickets were free back when DLR was back in the band.