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Chilling_Demon t1_j2cisxb wrote

Is that correct though? For example, there was General Sir Mike Jackson - so is General ranked as higher than Sir, but Doctor isn’t?


rikkiprince t1_j2cn3u5 wrote

Also, professor comes ahead of sir/dame, like Professor Sir Tim Berners-Lee. Not sure why Dr wouldn't.


markuslama t1_j2d0irz wrote

I'm not sure if this is correct in the UK, but around here Professor is a job description, reserved for those who teach at a university. Dr. "only" means you have a doctorate. I imagine it would be the same for General Sir Whatever.


ScoobyDoNot t1_j2d922d wrote

In the UK Professor is only for the highest ranks at a university, mere lecturers with PhDs don't get that title.


lillobby6 t1_j2d9ha0 wrote

> In the case of a military officer who is also a knight, the appropriate form of address puts the professional military rank first, then the correct manner of address for the individual, then his name

According to the wikipedia page. Professor has precendence over Sir, but Dr. does not and is thus overriden.