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lilsnotnosetommy t1_j11obmx wrote

Tattoo You. So much great songwriting, production (power station men's room haha) and Sonny Fucking Rollins!


Beyond_Your_Nose t1_j11onuk wrote

Tough choice. Exile on Main Street if I had to choose. You can hear the genius on the straight razor of chaos. The state of their bodies and minds would have killed mortal men, instead the Stones produced one of those great works that comes from equal parts inspiration and perspiration.


goatasaurusrex t1_j11rjts wrote

The one that is my favourite. Because it is my favourite.


onelittleworld t1_j11svwe wrote

For us longtime Stones heads, the holy trinity is Let It Bleed, Sticky Fingers, and Exile on Main Street. Some would include Beggar's Banquet on that Mt. Rushmore.

My favorite is always the last of those three that I've played. But right now, if you put a gun to my head, it's Sticky Fingers. 10/10 classic.


mrxexon t1_j11unm1 wrote

Hint: Gimmer Shelter.

Which was recorded just to the north of where I grew up in Alabama. Muscle Shoals Studios.


Acceptable-Fold-3192 t1_j11v67e wrote

Exile on Main Street tends to be the one people rave about.

I like Sticky Fingers, Beggar’s Banquet and a sleeper play Dirty Work.


Clear_Thought_9247 t1_j11wbz6 wrote

I feel there really two " rolling stones" the more gritty biker Rock songs and the more ballad/psychedelic/ or mainstream songs , so I'm more for a certain type of stones song then a certain album


fangzie t1_j11ya4s wrote

Sticky fingers.


[deleted] t1_j11zrgo wrote

Exile On Main Street is my favorite. It has such a wide range of styles and a more down to earth sound. I traded my Fav LP at the Time, CSN 1st lp) for Exile and did not regret it. Friend did not like Exile.


DailyDross t1_j121dik wrote

Let it Bleed. My favourite.


-A_A_A_A_A_A- t1_j126qgg wrote

Rocks Off, the first track on Exile, is pretty much everything you need to know about The Stones. It’s all there; the guitar parts, the drums, it’s almost orchestral. (And the video is fun too.)


MoochoMaas t1_j127wi8 wrote

Tough question.
1st album I bought was, Goats Head Soup, so a dear favorite.

And then there's, Some Girls, 1st time I saw them.

But I'd have to go with ... Exile or Sticky .


Slight_Purpose_9092 t1_j12859p wrote

I will always consider Exile on Main St. to be the greatest summation of American music - rock, R&B, country, gospel, blues - recorded by a British band in the south of France.


SparkDBowles t1_j128twb wrote

People sleep on Between the Buttons


DJMoneybeats t1_j12pu60 wrote

My faves in order would be...

  1. Let it Bleed

  2. Beggar's Banquet

  3. Exile on Main St.

  4. Sticky Fingers

  5. Some Girls

  6. Get Yer Ya-ya's out!

Almost all their other albums have at least 2 or 3 great songs and the rest is filler. I love most of Satanic Majesties but most people don't like it much. Hot Rocks is a great compilation of their early stuff but I don't know if that's on Spotify.


Levitatingsnakes t1_j12qjhj wrote

Gotta say the holy trinity. Mick Taylor was the stones best guitarist (sorry Keith) Sticky Fingers if I have to choose


halcyondread t1_j13fcch wrote

Exile on Main Street. It’s the most ambitious of all their albums, and they excavate every type of sound from their sonic repertoire. The songs themselves are also masterpieces of Rock & Roll.


redditaccount130 t1_j13kmm7 wrote

I’m not the biggest stones fan. Find it hard to sit through Banquet, let it bleed, even sticky fingers doesn’t hit me like it does others. But god, Exile for me transcends the stones - its weird coz it’s maybe not as instantly accessible as sticky fingers but once it seeps into you it becomes indispensable. Ultimately it’s the one I always go back to.


Ungeez t1_j13zzm0 wrote

My personal favorite is the UK version of Aftermath - that sweet spot in 1966 where rock was beginning to get colorful but not quite fully psychedelic (a few important cases aside). UK version (the original) had some different awesome songs than the US version, and was one of the 1st rock albums to stretch the LP run-time beyond 50 minutes, with extended-length songs, one of which reaches 11 minutes. The US version is great too, but I miss the removed songs, and the run-time is shorter. If I had to choose their overall best, I'd go with Exile on Main St.


cdmat76 t1_j15qh11 wrote

Let it Bleed > Sticky Fingers > Beggars Banquet > Exile on Main Street > all the rest.