Submitted by GabrielPainter t3_zz6g76 in Music

For me it'd definitely be these 5:

  1. Travis Scott - I'd anonymously regift it to my high-school bully... Well since you know...

  2. Lana Del Rey - I'm fairly certain listening to an Amy Schumer Netflix special would be more entertaining.

  3. Drake - if I had to listen to a mediocre rapper rap and sing badly to extremely mediocre music, I'd rather do that at a Travis Scott concert.

  4. Ed Sheeran - if I have to hear the song "Shivers" even by accident one more time, I'll rip my ears right off.

  5. BTS - I once went to a Korean culture festival and almost went deaf by the extreme howling that took place at the mere mention of their name... and that was just from people dancing to covers of their songs.



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humiliation-kink t1_j29p8hh wrote

Selena Gomez, lack of vocals and stage presence. It’s the lack of creativity, like I know I wouldn’t be missing anything that hasn’t been done by any other female pop act I could pull out of a hat.


liquid_at t1_j29pssj wrote

If I got free tickets to BTS, I'd definitely try to sell them... Their fans are insane.

But I heard David Hasselhoff is touring with his old songs... I'd be looking for the freedom to stay away as far as possible if I got those tickets for free.


eyedealy11 t1_j29qr4p wrote

Kid Rock, Drake, and Kayne can all kick rocks I wouldn’t see any of them for free


Exiled_From_Twitter t1_j29rgcm wrote

The better question is who I would go to, b/c I view concerts as more of an inconvenience than anything. I can listen to the music at any time I want now and I'm not an experience kind of person so it's just not appealing.

But in the spirit of your question there are WAY too many to name them but I'll name my least favorite band I can ever imagine:

Cigarettes After Sex

Good god it's the whiniest horrific shit I've ever heard in my life. I'd burn the tickets so that no one else has to experience that nonsense.


andrewta t1_j29upyi wrote

Any singer who sounds worse on stage then the radio.

I have lost count of how many people I’ve heard seen live and they’re out of tune. Sometimes not even in time with the music. It’s just sad. I’ll listen to you on the radio, but if you suck live then forget about me showing up.


Imanerdj1 t1_j2a3eva wrote

Any country artist. Also Taylor Swift, Cardi B, any R&B artist really. Actually there are too many other to name


GlueForSniffing t1_j2ak93t wrote

Mmmm..... her music doesn't really go for vocals though?

I like some of her music. I never thought I would, but then I heard it. I think she has nice STYLE. But it's not party music. It's very chill in your bedroom music.

Better than Taylor Swift or something.


GlueForSniffing t1_j2aldv9 wrote

No order , is it controversial? Stay mad, I don't care. Go be defensive somewhere else.

  1. Whitney Houston - The woman could rise from the dead and give me free front-row tickets and I'd turn it down. I always found her so bland and lacking of any interest. There is nothing creative there.
  2. Poppy - Terrible person, worse singer and given everything she has done that says something?
  3. Lady Gaga - Terrible person, don't support. Can't stand her fans. Songs like " Born This Way " give me nausea and indigestion. Very pretentious, recognize she is vocally talented on a technique level but nothing special about her voice beyond that? Every school choir has 2-3 girls that sound somewhere between her - Demi Lovato and Lea Michelle. Terrible writer.
  4. BTS - I just can't do K-pop and I like foreign music. Everything I've heard is just a repackaged version of something I didn't like the English version of already but then used to sell poorly made lipbalms and bodypillows?
  5. Magic! - No one has thought about them ever, they're not relevant but god I hate what they do. If " Rude " could be erased from my memory I'd be relieved of some PTSD I'm sure of it.

ramen_vape t1_j2amsz0 wrote

I got free VIP tickets to Greta Van Fleet and only listened to about a song and a half. They're a very tame Led Zeppelin ripoff, got boring really fast. Mostly chilled in the lounge upstairs since my band was playing the afterparty, which was completely fucking nuts.


debaser64 t1_j2c8u74 wrote

Garth Brooks. It’s like literally taking your life into your own hands.


liquid_at t1_j2d1p8h wrote

afaik, he was one of the few artists who performed before Germany was united, while the iron curtain was still active.

There wasn't a lot of competition by international artists back then.