Submitted by Quirky_Scar7857 t3_zxr9iz in Music

I've started playing ukele and want to sing along, but I'm not that good at singing. can singing lessons help a bad singer, or do you need a base of talent to benefit?

just want to better so I can enjoy it more!

thank you.



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Sal2Man t1_j225cvg wrote

The correct answer is yes. You will improve. Before you get too far, get a keyboard and work on developing your ear. If you don't know what that means, look that up too. There are a ton of exercises you can do on your own. Remember that a lesson teacher just guides your own self teaching and the progress you make out of your own hard work.


thisizusername t1_j21vgnc wrote

Singing lessons might be able to take you from bad to mediocre if done well. Mediocre singing might be all you need if you learn to work with the voice you have.


Quirky_Scar7857 OP t1_j21w08w wrote

thanks. I guess "not bad" is what I'm looking for. just enough not to make my wife wear ear plugs :-)


imsightful t1_j23rv2o wrote

Thing is there are people like tom waits and nirvana that would never be on American idol. What is singing well really? Its just something you figure out and do because it feels good. Your voice is unique and you leverage that with whatever your creating or covering. Try to sing like them learn to sing like you.


shanerbaner16 t1_j21vbn4 wrote

Well yeah....that's the point of lessons


how-about-that t1_j22bpgi wrote

No, you can either sing or you can't. Abandon your dreams.


KeyEcho5594 t1_j22u4d5 wrote

I definitely think that you can improve with some techniques and practice, but some people are just tone deaf. If it makes you happy and you are doing it for yourself I say go for it.