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[deleted] t1_j1e2n71 wrote

I don't even think he's an artist much less a rock artist.


ryancementhead t1_j1e3nsm wrote

He’s a pop singer who thinks he’s a rockstar. you don’t hear him on any good rock stations.


frankwhiteXVII t1_j1e4b1j wrote

He’s neither. Eminem canceled his rap career, and he definitely doesn’t fit as a rocker. He’s successful at being weird.


ChappaQuitIt t1_j1e5bqf wrote

I thought he was dead. Maybe just his career.


WhitestCaveman t1_j1e5kh8 wrote

Hes kind of just a guy trying to rip off pop punk since his rap career was burnt to the ground.


mubydram t1_j1e64jo wrote

Not even on my radar. Sounds like a regular pop artist to me.


Glum_Design4685 t1_j1e6i34 wrote

I dont think so considering most dont even consider him to ba artist at all


datbreezetho t1_j1e7r16 wrote

Isn't he just Megan Fox's boyfriend at this point?


Slight_Purpose_9092 t1_j1e8h7f wrote

I don't really know what the label "rock artist" means. He's made rap and rock music. The fact that it sucks doesn't mean he's not a "rock artist."


Sirnando138 t1_j1ealjp wrote

Even worse, I’ve heard the word “punk rock” used to describe his music which greatly offends me.


stoph311 t1_j1ed7sa wrote

No. The only reason he is still somehow relevant is he hopped on Travis barker's coattails.


cti0323 t1_j1eezzv wrote

You can say a lot about the guy. He’s a bit of an ass, self obsessed, craves attention… I lost track of my point. Oh yeah. But Eminem didn’t end his rap career. That’s so stupid when people say that. He had his biggest record release for a rap album after the beef. He got bigger afterwords, got movie roles etc. That’s such a lazy bullshit statement.


darkknightnate t1_j1eka3a wrote

No, but I'm 42 so everything I listen to is at least 15 years old at the newest.


Felon73 t1_j1emho8 wrote

No and I saw a whole heavy metal music festival boo him off stage. I don’t know what his manager was thinking accepting that gig. It was brutal but only because he sucks.


Xak_Ev01v3d t1_j1en5sd wrote

>He had his biggest record release for a rap album after the beef.


  • Lace Up (October 2012) 263,000 copies sold

Decent debut, but rap fans probably realize he’s garbage so his next couple albums fall off.

  • General Admission (October 2015) 56,000 copies sold

  • Bloom (May 2017) 77,000 copies sold

Eminem releases Killshot on September 14, 2019.

  • Binge (September 21, 2019)

This was released at the height of his beef with Eminem, trying to capitalize on his new found popularity. It’s hard to find any figures on this, maybe because it was an EP and not a studio release, or maybe because no one bothered counting after it sold a mere 21,000 copies in its first week and everyone realized his rap career was dead. To note, his album before this (Bloom) sold 57,000 in its first week.

  • Hotel Diablo (July 2019) 21,000 copies sold (first studio release after Killshot, sold roughly as well as Binge.)

Dude fell completely off the map after Killshot.

  • Tickets to my Downfall (September 2020) 200,000 copies sold

Switches genres, and has another decent “debut” to his new audience. But, yet again, they also realize he’s garbage, because…

  • Mainstream Sellout (March 2022) 62,000 copies sold

And thus begins his second downward trend in as many genres explored.


cti0323 t1_j1erbe7 wrote

Hotel Diablo’s sales aren’t fully accurate on Wikipedia. You can see that just from the numbers Billboard reported in the first 3 weeks alone. Along with the number of sales required for a silver certification for BPI. If you want to argue that is an assumption, that is fair that it has passed Lace Up.


Xak_Ev01v3d t1_j1et206 wrote

If you’re looking at equivalent album units, sure, but then you need to look at equivalent album units for previous releases as well. Across the board, the trends are the same, and does not run counter to the argument.


Xak_Ev01v3d t1_j1ex7vk wrote

Are you ever going to give the “correct” figures to make your point? Or do you just want to keep saying I’m wrong?

Just show me the “right” numbers. Show me how MGK had his “biggest record release for a rap album after the beef.” Otherwise, I’ll just continue on with the knowledge that Em legitimately destroyed his rap career, as most everyone realizes.


cti0323 t1_j1eykj2 wrote

Well let’s go what we know at minimum. He has sold at minimum 60k albums in the UK as it is BPI Silver. It had 73k equivalent units in the first 3 weeks for billboard in America. That’s 133k alone there. That is basically all I have then for concrete, but are we going to assume over 3 years and combining every other countries sales that is not an indicator it probably isn’t his biggest overall selling record?


JDUB775 t1_j1ezeek wrote

I mostly consider him a joke.


DeadEyeMetal t1_j1f0rqm wrote

Who cares?

One moderately amusing diss track that got its ass kicked doesn't make a career worth assessing.


MoneySike3000 t1_j1f2sf6 wrote

He is a version of a taller more annoying Jusin Bieber with less talent.


Xak_Ev01v3d t1_j1f3t8t wrote

So 133,000 in equivalent album units?

His first album Lace Up sold 263,000 copies, before looking at equivalent album units.

His first pop album Tickets to my Downfall sold 200,000 copies, before looking at equivalent album units.

So how is 133,000 greater than 263,000 or 200,000, both of which are conservative estimates?


Xak_Ev01v3d t1_j1f4iqx wrote

Jesus Christ dude, either way, 200,000 and 263,000 are greater than 133,000. Did you hit your head or something? Are you a MGK fan? Only those can possibly explain the stupidity you are exhibiting.


Garbear_02 t1_j1f4nl5 wrote

He shouldn’t count as a musician at all to be honest.


cti0323 t1_j1f66xb wrote

Those numbers were from 2019 my dude in America. Specifically just 3 weeks. The album also charted in over 15 other countries as well. That’s a lot of sales not in that number and over 3 years of additional domestic sales. Why is that so hard to comprehend.


puk3x t1_j1f84z3 wrote

Both rap and rock communities hate his shit lmao. I don't like any of the stuff he comes out with, he's just a pop artist and won't ever be anything more.


TheKingOfRooks t1_j1fk77t wrote

No he's not a Rockstar he's like a popstar that people don't like


Gelofool t1_j1fv9bg wrote

He counts as a loser. That’s it. Couldn’t hack it in rap got bodied by Em so switched genres completely.


KrazyK726 t1_j1gy3ms wrote

He was not a good rapper and he is even worse with whatever he is trying to do now. Calling any garbage he puts out rock music would be such an insult and slap on the face to every real rock band and artist that ever existed. Hey MGK, You suck and nobody likes you!!!! Just go away. You are and have been corny always. Switching music genres is not going to matter. Just quit doing music altogether