Submitted by revengeofthepencil t3_zodn4i in Music

I saw The Smile at a big arena in Seattle last night and, at any given time, there were at least 10 people in the crowd holding up their phones filming. To anyone who does this, I have a real question - why? What do you get from this? Is it a souvenir? Do you actually watch the video when you get home? Is it for putting on YouTube? Based on videos I have seen shot this way, the sound and video quality is almost always horrible and it really doesn’t seem worth the trouble.



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86545 t1_j0mbnhh wrote

I don't go to many concerts but I did this at the last one I was at (just for short pieces of it). I was excited about some of the songs and wanted to have it as a reminder I guess and to hold on to it but you're kind of right, I only watched the videos back in the days right after and haven't since. But maybe it will be a nice reminder of the concert when I find it on my phone sometime in the future.


IGotSinging t1_j0mdzjd wrote

I’ve done it to capture how certain musicians play certain songs (I play guitar and bass) — only used for that practical purpose. iPhones take decent video with ok sound at best in the concert environment. But I guess people are just used to recording memories.


7_62mmFMJ t1_j0mecrg wrote

Thousands of phones were constantly recorded at the festival i just went to, people watching whole sets through their phones.

Personally, I will sometimes recorded a quick snap shot video or the opening of a band, to share and for good memories. Then I'll put it away and enjoy the show.


a703241009 t1_j0merom wrote

I’ll film a quick video but not the whole concert it’s just nice to have some physical memories


charade-u-r t1_j0mfm91 wrote

A souvenir is a good way to put it. I usually film about 20-30 seconds of a few songs and go back and watch them periodically, send to friends etc.


FiggNewton t1_j0miq1d wrote

When I’m at a concert I will allow myself ONE short video of a favorite song, just so I have proof I was there. Usually post it on social media, bc what else am I gonna do with it? Yes it’s dumb but hey. I’m talking 30 seconds tops.


mubydram t1_j0mju83 wrote

I never have my phone out during a performance- it's just rude. In between sets is fine but while someone is on stage pouring their heart and soul, I'm giving them my undivided attention.


debaser64 t1_j0mp712 wrote

I took a video of my favorite singer performing my favorite song. A few years later he died and while there’s plenty of videos on YouTube with better quality, that one of the time I witnessed it and preserved from my point of view, will always be my favorite.


flaccidObama t1_j0mp895 wrote

I barely remember anything from a concert after it is over


blankpaper_ t1_j0msf33 wrote

I record a lot at concerts if I’m in a spot to be able to get a decent video. I rewatch them and look back at them a lot. I also turn my screen brightness all the way down (even to the point of reducing the white point) so it’s not TOO obnoxious to the people behind me. I’ve always had decent sound and video quality 🤷‍♀️


rumski t1_j0n8yic wrote

I'll snap a quick picture, if any, at this point. I saw a bucketlist band last year and I have one crappy picture that I took because I wanted to "be present" as it happened.


aidenrosenb t1_j0na3vo wrote

I don’t do this but a buddy of mine has a video of at least one song from every band at every show he has been to, well sense smart phones have been out all offloaded on to a computer


NootNootington t1_j0ne11c wrote

Whenever one of my favourite bands plays a song they don’t often play, I’m extremely grateful to whoever records it and puts it on YouTube


Lumpwithknobs t1_j0nm3zb wrote

It’s to put on social media for lifestyle points


itsalro t1_j0o2037 wrote

I watch them later to reminisce about what could eventually be better days. Seeing it from my perspective brings me back and sure it isnt as good as an actual recording on youtube but i dunno, im a sucker for mementos


marinekai t1_j0o4dmx wrote

I like to have a memento myself of the occasion


djnerio t1_j0o809r wrote

Just a tip, instead of filming it. Wait a week and search it on youtube, and you will find multiple videos from multiple angles. This way, you can enjoy the moment, and whenever you want to relive it, just look it up on youtube. Stopped filming years ago, and this works every time. I might still capture a quick video, but that's it. Also, if you are live streaming that shit and have your phone up the whole time, you kinda suck js


rideronthestorm29 t1_j0of1ye wrote

what’s the point of doing something if you can’t be rewarded for it on the internet? how else will i prove how cool i am? /s

i would probably snap a quick pic of the smile tho that’s a pretty unique situation


ragrug3443 t1_j0p4cmu wrote

I hate this! I'll take some pics and and maybe a short vid of a favorite song to share with friends but that's it. I remember going to shows before smart phones and I miss it. It really takes away from my experience to have to try to look in between all the damn phones being held up constantly. Also phones of any kind are incompatible with mosh/circle pits, if I'm at a punk show my phone stays in the car. I grew up in the 80's and 90's so handheld tech is optional for me and I'm thankful for that.


GoreMaster22 t1_j0prgqn wrote

I usually only film guitar solos, and I do watch them fairly often


Casandrawr t1_j0pusti wrote

Just saw Blue October in Fort Worth and couldn’t believe how many people just had their phones recording the whole time. I take a few pictures to commemorate going for my own sake, but most of the time have my phone up so I can experience the live music.


Stopitwiththedribble t1_j0puxr8 wrote

I use to think it was weird until some crazy shit happens on stage and you’re happy someone record it.