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alexrasta80 OP t1_j2dqozk wrote

Not the first time i promise myself to find the time to sit down and enjoy albums from beginning to end, but giving it another shot this year.

Best start i could imagine: Wild is the Wind by Nina Simone. What a voice and such powerful lyrics.


tate_shivers t1_j2dvwa6 wrote

What are you referring to? Many people continue to play albums.


Legenderylemon t1_j2e9894 wrote

Unless the album doesn't capture my attention within the first few tracks, I always listen to the entire album.


panspal t1_j2eak7c wrote

If you haven't already, check out hadestown by Anais Mitchel. Amazing folk opera about Orpheus and Eurydice, but think 1930s coal Town vibe.


cobywaan t1_j2eivlx wrote

I have been doing this for about 14 months now and am 400ish in.

Been very pleased with the experience overall. Both in the exposure to new things and revisiting old things.

Hope you enjoy it as well 😀


Rebelpride1 t1_j2emq3d wrote

I did this a few years ago, at least one album by an artist I didn't already listen to regularly every week. My music taste is still defined by that year.


Moorgoth t1_j2ep46x wrote

Thanks for this. I’ve been trying to expand my horizons when it comes to music. First album is Johnny Cash At Folsom


The_Norfolkian t1_j2eqqhi wrote

Trying to go back and listen to as many great albums as possible is more of a lifelong goal, not something that can be reasonably accomplished for a new year’s resolution. However, if you are committed to listening to more albums, the best thing start yourself off is to keep tabs on the schedule of upcoming releases. If you see a band or artist you love, go ahead and pre-order that album. When it’s released, you will find that you have set yourself up to listen to it all the way through. That’s what I did for 2022 and I absolutely don’t regret it.


CaptainJackVernaise t1_j2esa3l wrote

Album suggestion: American Water by the Silver Jews. One of my top 5 albums of all time.


Cam44 t1_j2f5jq8 wrote

I made a playlist a year or so ago called Start-Finish Albums for this purpose. Each road trip I knock a few out.


lolcatloljk t1_j2f8boj wrote

If bands would actually produce whole albums instead of continuously dropping single after single


mouse_8b t1_j2fb7fx wrote

I love listening to full albums, but I hate having to choose, therefore, I made a web app to shuffle a Spotify collection by album!


69ICEMAN t1_j2fk3xr wrote

I just bought a new needle for my turntable. Been listening to some older vinyl. Just puts you in a different mood to listen to the whole album.


bluerodeosexshow t1_j2fktqe wrote

Check out rancid - and out come the wolves Best punk album in my mind. It’s one album that has no skips


GrizabellaGlamourCat t1_j2fofhq wrote

1001 Album Club is a podcast that I have been enjoying listening to and working through the book with them. Discovered some great stuff from the 70s and 80s I had never heard of.


krazy_kat_laddie t1_j2foz1d wrote

Got Atomic Basie as my first album. Don't hate it. Decent chorin' music. Just me or does some of it sound like old timey stripper music?


Igottamake t1_j2fpbvy wrote

That one dead center is the best album ever and I still listen to most of it at least once a week


ShrimpBiggums t1_j2frvfg wrote

I got into the habit of listening to full albums by using this exact site (pretty sure someone else posted it on this sub). I don't use it anymore personally but I would definitely recommend it!


SpookyMobley t1_j2fur40 wrote

Unrelated, but are there versions of this for movies and books by chance? I like this idea.


wwhhiippoorrwwiill t1_j2fv9qm wrote

I inadvertantly started doing this today, after a string of events stemming from seeing a Best Buy ad from 1995, with a bunch of what was called "Alternative" CDs at the time. (From this Facebook post.)

I realized I've skipped over a lot of albums through the years, assuming the single was the best track, but that that's not necessarily true!