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BlackHoleHalibut t1_j17ggcg wrote

Hmm.. off the top of my head, I’d say check out Mr Bungle’s album California.


TheMostModestMaus t1_j17ghjo wrote

Primus for sure. Some Progressive Metal bands include strong Jazz elements as well.


alehanro t1_j189m3l wrote

They don’t use those labels, and I think R&B metal probably doesn’t have any representation at all. But jazz elements are often used in metal. Bands who use it as a regular/core part of their sound and writing approach will usually be labelled (or identify as) something like “progressive metal” or “experimental metal”. Something along those lines

Edit; I just searched “jazz metal” on Spotify and got a few playlists in the results


heywaitjustasecond t1_j18ao1q wrote

Try Bozzio Levin Stevens (jazzy progressive metal) or Alex Skolnick Trio (guitarist from Testament playing jazz covers of hard rock/metal songs)


-A_A_A_A_A_A- t1_j18jbvb wrote

Are you talking about 90’s prog metal? Like Steve Vai or Dream Theater?


IamMothManAMA t1_j19cn5r wrote

Late-period Black Flag became jazz metal as Greg Ginn got more into weed and Henry Rollins' lyrics got weirder.


Hot-Amoeba4013 t1_j1ajiej wrote

Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat by Slipknot is pretty jazzy on the song Do Nothing/Bitchslap


NDjake t1_j1apwbm wrote

Try listening to Soften the Glare.


pickles55 t1_j1frs7p wrote

Clown core is some kind of jazz fusion metal that's excellent if you like weird stuff as much as you sound like you do. It is a side project of two really talented musicians so there is a ton of technical proficiency while being very experimental at the same time.


WillTFRmmg t1_j1pmg1y wrote

The Dharmata EP by Defeated Sanity is ridiculously jazzy


ZiLLa64 t1_j27ia95 wrote

Trepalium for sure. Sick Boogie Murder is a good song by them as well as the Voodoo Moonshine EP. The From the Ground album has less aggressive vocals if that's not your thing.