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Glade_Runner t1_j1ft9zv wrote

I'm not saying that they all contributed, but the timeline in which we seem to find ourselves includes:


  • Tidal available in the U.S.
  • Billboard and similar services begin calculating streams into chart products as equivalent to sales.


  • YouTube Music app released.
  • YouTube Kids app released.
  • YouTube Red subscription available.
  • Apple Music launched to replace Beats Music.
  • "Thinking Out Loud" by Ed Sheeran became the first song to pass 500 million streams.


  • TikTok released in China.
  • UK votes to leave EU.
  • "One Dance" by Drake became the first song to pass one billion streams.


  • Donald J. Trump sworn in as U.S. president, beginning an administration characterized by breaking norms, deregulation, and trade tariffs.
  • TikTok available outside China.
  • Pandora launches premium tier subscriptions.
  • Facebook's massive investments in new technology (particularly in VR, dating, and workspace functionality) is stunted by Cambridge Analytical matter and accusations about fake news.
  • Spotify begins major expansions in many counties.
  • Microsoft suspends Groove Music Pass and directs listeners to Spotify.


  • YouTube Music becomes separate subscription service.
  • YouTube Red rebranded as YouTube Premium.
  • Self-contained Windows 10 version of iTunes becomes available on the Microsoft app store.
  • Twitter algorithms begin hiding comments considered to detract from the conversation. (They can be revealed by "show more replies.")
  • Spotify becomes a publicly traded company.


  • Amazon Music HD launched.


  • COVID-19 pandemic spreads worldwide with massive lockdowns closing clubs and concert halls, ending live touring, canceling music releases, and slowing recording. Millions die.
  • Elections worldwide, including but not limited to the U.S. presidential election, seize enormous attention in social media.
  • UK completes "Brexit" process and leaves EU.