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daBoetz t1_j6nbhv1 wrote

In case one gets killed in a bizarre gardening accident?


Goldteamrules64 t1_j6lrvh3 wrote

Because drums are epic and, as they say, drums are epic


Torple42 t1_j6ltr84 wrote

Don't forget Osees. Also, they don't always play the same thing and it's even better when they don't.


dood_phunk t1_j6mfdrq wrote

Hmmm marching bands have more!


CoolArt589 t1_j6lo9ss wrote

Because they can. Not only three drummers but three monsters with drumsticks. In your face mothertrucker . If you have any issue with it, go back to your maroon5


blnts4jc t1_j6lqvyq wrote

Don’t forget about the Dirtbombs!


mruhkrAbZ t1_j6lybdr wrote

To flex on all the bands with no drummer


Creative_Rock_7246 t1_j6m2dw5 wrote

Search YouTube for “The Melvin’s Twin Drummers” and tell me that’s not insanely cool


KeepCalmAndBaseball t1_j6m9fst wrote

Some bands even have 2 singers, and 2 guitarists, and it is just nuts how they can get away with this crap. What happened to the good ole days of one man bands? Now they’re relegated to being street performers so someone can video them for tik tok cred. Most of those idiots don’t even have a drum machine. Losers


hollawewantprenup t1_j6n2746 wrote

I’d always thought The Go! Team had a really cool drum sound that I could never figure out how it was produced (I thought it was sampled or electronic in some way). Saw them live and realized it was two drummers


frankrocksjesus t1_j6lxlmi wrote

I’m going to guess the same premise as having two acoustic bases. Drums usually are not amplified. So more drums mean louder drums. (by the way, did you know that Leo Fender first made the electric bass because they could not hear the acoustic bass in an orchestra pit setting).….no extra charge for that wink~wink


Candid-Painter7046 t1_j6m9ozf wrote

"They play exactly the same thing". Attempt to replicate exactly what someone else right next to you does in exactly the same time frame. Lemme know if you think it's impressive after that.

Source: Am drummer, have played in percussion ensembles.