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BroccoliPrince t1_j6crm43 wrote

It's not that it was bad, it was just memed heavily while also being played on a near loop in a lot of shops (where people had to work all day), so people sickened of it.


Weak_Jeweler3077 t1_j6cz51y wrote

It's as complex as toast for breakfast. Cookie cutter pop bullsh|t


ajon12345 t1_j6f7ksc wrote

carly is the best pop artist of the last 30 years


Sc00ter7622 t1_j6cxa3w wrote

We see it all the time with "popular" songs. Crammed down people's throats to the point of nausea


dukedevils32 t1_j6dndu6 wrote

Overplayed basic boring crap. Hate that I sing along with it.


OfCourseIKnowHim t1_j6e518f wrote

It was crazy overplayed. I don’t really listen to the radio or anything, but I would still hear it at work.

The same thing happened with “Royals” by Lorde.


Capt_Gingerbeard t1_j6e6j62 wrote

>But imo it is a very good song because of its beat

And that's fine, if your enjoyment of music is contingent upon a generic 4/4 drum pattern


GGAdams_ t1_j6edbyc wrote

  1. the more it's popular, more the haters
  2. it's a cheesy love song and people want to look like badass
  3. it's a good song

Acceptable_Divide_33 t1_j6f8064 wrote

Yes overplayed over meme’d I was on a day road trip in the height of its popularity in rural Kansas and Nebraska and heard it seemingly non stop


djwixel t1_j6fmqgc wrote

Overplayed boring ass song


ChildhoodBig531 t1_j6djtrj wrote

It’s like Xmas…. Once a year is plenty


DomesticApe23 t1_j6cvv0l wrote

It's ear herpes. I fucking hate catchy pop songs.
