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Exiled_From_Twitter t1_j69pseb wrote

You didn't provide a single example. This is not a real thing that happens or else you would have plenty of examples to lean upon. This is entirely anecdotal based on perception, not reality.


Exiled_From_Twitter t1_j69srxq wrote

Now google rap stars in trouble over lyrics and read the overwhelming amount of responses you will get. Quit glossing over reality to push some bs narrative bud. The last article isn't even about lyrics lol, it's about how Moby treated her personally.

Get real dude.

The reason you hear about one over the other is b/c of what you actively listen to. It's also important to note who each artist is targeting in their music. Hardcore rap is not going to be put under the microscope by their fans b/c they expect it, they don't care. Media will still go to great lengths to paint them in a negative light but the fan bases just don't give a shit. Same can't be said about these other people.


Gathose1 t1_j69q80p wrote

Yea, I mean I berly listen to music news and this even rings true for me. Rap says some crazy shit and NOBODY talks about it at all.


mostlyapollo t1_j69rw9f wrote

Have you considered that you just haven't heard anyone talk about it because you barely listen to music news, like you said?


Exiled_From_Twitter t1_j69tc8l wrote

They are constantly under the microscope for their lyrics, you just aren't seeing it. That doesn't mean it doesn't happen.


Gathose1 t1_j69vuf6 wrote

I never said it never happens, I said it rings true for me and that I only ever hear criticisms for non rap artists.

Unless your talking about the religious right, but nobody cares when they criticize it


Exiled_From_Twitter t1_j69xbfc wrote

Ringing true for you is absolutely meaningless, your little world is not representative of the world at large. That's like saying you can't believe other languages are spoken b/c you don't hear it often.


Gathose1 t1_j6a06z6 wrote

Ok.... When did I say it was?


Exiled_From_Twitter t1_j6a0kke wrote

You trying to confirm the post by saying it was true for you and then restating the post. That's when.


Gathose1 t1_j6a35kx wrote

So stating my experience means that nobody else's could possibly be true? Is that what you think I mean?