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Abiv23 t1_j63w8te wrote

No you won't

but good marketing tactic


realdappermuis t1_j640t96 wrote

Yeh I was like unless they livestrwam could just be saying supposedly impactful thing

Maybe best to get off that LinkedIn Advice thing and vibe a bit more with the scene


lptomtom t1_j642a7s wrote

The post now has 1200 upvotes. There's no way in Hell OP walks 1200km in a month, that's 40km a day! I really hope they write an update afterwards to tell us how many listens they got from this post


Abiv23 t1_j646hvb wrote

He'll be back claiming he did it just to get more attention and introduce a new song

Can't fault him if it works (aside from the morality of lying to people, which is becoming societally accepted as long as the ends justify the lie)


microice2795 OP t1_j64dgki wrote

I'm planning to walk don't worry, probably will have to change it number of streams of maybe just 500 miles for the memes


Abiv23 t1_j64e085 wrote

I'm not worried, it would be a terrible use of your time to do this

500 miles (already a downgraded 'goal') takes 170 to 250 hours to complete.

You only have 480 'waking hours' in a month, you are looking at walking for 35 - 52% of your time with no payoff aside from fulfilling a promise to strangers


microice2795 OP t1_j64gskj wrote

I'd rather stay honest to the people and do the walking, right now I'm looking around 500/600 km, which is doable for sure.


CallFromMargin t1_j644vtp wrote

It took me 26 days to walk 800km. It would take me 6ish weeks to walk 1200 km, it would be a full time job, but it's definitely doable.


Abiv23 t1_j64600u wrote

The question isn't "Is it possible", the question is "What would his motivation be"

His motivation is to get us to listen to his song, the walking doesn't do anything for that goal other than as a carrot for listening to the song


kaperisk t1_j63stfu wrote

Hit you with a downvote to ease your walking


Bread_Truck t1_j641mcg wrote

I hit a downvote because this type of low-effort, karma-farming, chain mail level dog-shit belongs on Facebook.


blvckhvrt t1_j63vndd wrote

Gave one too to reduce the amount of walking


thiswasmy19thchoice t1_j641md2 wrote

Countered by making 8 new accounts and upvoting with all of them


[deleted] t1_j63xf99 wrote



hclpfan t1_j643ee2 wrote

Downvotes would impact how high up his post gets shown and therefore how many new people could see and vote it


Falcrist t1_j644dn3 wrote

You can't see the upvotes directly, but you can see the percentage and the net votes.

Let U = upvotes, N = net votes, and P = percentage (as a fraction from 0 to 1)

U = NP / (2P - 1)

U = 1386 × 0.66 ÷ ((2 × 0.66) - 1)

Rounding up we get:

U = 2858

Now I get 3414


_heyoka t1_j643rww wrote



microice2795 OP t1_j63syxg wrote

Thank you, now convince the internet to do the same


3cit t1_j63yx8d wrote

2 hours in, you're up to 26KM a day... You're going to die OP


BeefarmRich t1_j63npma wrote

Listened to your track . Honest review , it sounds good, but I haven't noticed any interesting production techniques, arrangements , something that will make it stand out . Also ,for me personally, drums are a bit too punchy for such melancholic vibe of the song . Anyway that is just my opinion , wish you success in your Musical journey .


microice2795 OP t1_j63nvxn wrote

Thank you for your honest option, I'm glad you listened to the song. I really appreciate it.


Whatifim80lol t1_j63tsf9 wrote

I'm gonna agree with the comment above. I'll add that tweaking the mix just a little bit could give a better sound; you can always suck people in by making them feel a little surrounded by the melody. You already did something cool with making the bass feel like it echoes a bit, I think letting that high-pitch melody get one good echo in time with the beat with a bit of pan would go a long way. Again, that wouldn't be groundbreaking, it's been done before, but it does work to suck people in if you do it just right.


ghostryder333 t1_j64cldb wrote

Mind to share the link again? You didn't actually have to remove your post lol Noone expected you to do a marathon in February (even though this may be a good resolution for the coming months).


microice2795 OP t1_j64dr9w wrote

Reddit removed my post because it counted as clickbait, but I still intend to do the walking, just maybe only the number of actual streams I get.


ghostryder333 t1_j64gkjv wrote

So the track is on SoundCloud or some other streaming service?


lolmemelol t1_j6405of wrote

> 5 No clickbait titles or asking for votes

> Music should stand on its own. If you have an interesting story behind the music, you can add this in the comments or as self-post text.


callmefez t1_j6439mo wrote

Yup, reported.


TheOnlyUsernameLeft3 t1_j63qd83 wrote

Why do we care how much you walk?


elephantsystem t1_j63ttst wrote

People like weird punishment goals. It's just part of human psychology.


Chrisbishyo t1_j63s3vk wrote

It's a cool bit bro, just help the guy out by clicking a button?


microice2795 OP t1_j63qn7s wrote

I'm not sure but somehow already 50 people want me to. Is there anything else I can do for you to listen to my track?


KetchG t1_j63rw96 wrote

But people don’t have to actually listen to it to upvote the post. Surely tying it to the listen count would work better?


misterpoopybutthole5 t1_j63sk0u wrote

It'll get more upvotes and therefore more exposure


KetchG t1_j63z5xt wrote

Exactly, but OP could at least try to find a cover story that makes sense. It’s all just a bit obvious.


Nixplosion t1_j641zn2 wrote

I don't think trying to hide anything. He's literally asking for listens in and is making a bit of a game out of it


microice2795 OP t1_j63s1ai wrote

It's in the comment but yes I think most people just want to see me suffer without listening.


myassholealt t1_j63xmda wrote

To be honest, most of us don't expect you to actually do the thing promised either.


Codeshark t1_j640we8 wrote

I don't think it is mechanically possible for it to be done at this point.


[deleted] t1_j6443vn wrote



Killerkendolls t1_j658a6n wrote

I mean, he could be like "y'all I can't do this in February, but I'm gonna make s channel it me walking around with my tracks playing until we get through this together" but then he'll need to put in the work and keep producing more music.


this_guy83 t1_j63xbcy wrote

> people just want to see me suffer

Walking is very good for general fitness. I just want you healthy, stranger 🏃

Also subtly hope you get orange pilled with all that walking.


Codeshark t1_j641ftu wrote

Ironically, traveling 37 km every day for a month is greatly aided by the use of a car.


this_guy83 t1_j647yyh wrote

Or a bike, if you’re lucky enough for that to be safe.


GUMinion t1_j63tds8 wrote

The vocal production is your low point here. Guitar is groovy


achmedclaus t1_j63vkdh wrote

Guitar is pretty good but you're right on the money. Vocals sound like the singer is bored


GUMinion t1_j63t3z7 wrote

I downvoted to save you some walk time!


I_am_notthatguy t1_j63usl0 wrote

So I like it. It just feels like the beginning of a song. I felt like I was waiting for it to ramp up into something more and then it didn't. I do like it tho, just not a lot. I'm posting this criticism because you seemed open to it in another comment. And good on you for it


microice2795 OP t1_j63v10a wrote

Yeah of course, I appreciate your opinion and it's something that helps me learn.


Trizzae t1_j640r48 wrote

Yeah to add to this, you repeat the same chord progression throughout the whole song. Like most modern music today. Production and everything else is solid. I like the laid back vibe and the silky guitars.

If I could suggest listening to some older music and hear how much they change progressions, key, tempo, bridges, pre-choruses, etc. Just to break up the monotomy of the song structure and keep the ear guessing. I've been learning a lot about this from Rick Beato's channel where he breaks down all music. He's helped me analyze my old music and how I can make it more sonically interesting. Keep it up!


fruitybrisket t1_j6425bg wrote

Keep it up mate. As others have implied, the vocals aren't great on pace and feel a bit monotonous but that's all we can point out.

But also, fuck what anyone thinks and please just keep making art.


MulticoloredCatMug t1_j641e3i wrote

I has the same feeling. Like I was just waiting for something interesting to happen


WeslleyM t1_j63zqls wrote

Please accept the humble opinions of a fellow musician. The main hook of the song is kinda fire, got my attention right off the bat. The 2nd guitar was a bit boring tho. And the vocal didn't sound very confident? I guess? I don't really know how to put it. Your song vibe damn good, and I really wanted it to be a bit more tightly produced. Keep going pal, I would love to hear more songs in this vein in the future.


ad_me_i_am_blok t1_j63tv88 wrote

I listened, then upvoted to punish you for having me listen to that.


fruitybrisket t1_j641mi3 wrote

That's kind of mean. Yeah it's a gimmick to get exposure but OP put in a lot of effort to make that track.

As an incredible New Zealander once said, "Be more constructive with your feedback"


ad_me_i_am_blok t1_j68diut wrote

Meh. I also put in a lot of effort when I make music, but I have self-awareness and know when one of my tracks is utter shit. I wouldn't put that out and beg people to listen to it.


fruitybrisket t1_j68enph wrote

They deleted the post lol, I think they got the message.


ad_me_i_am_blok t1_j68hdh8 wrote

The mods deleted it for being click bait and asking for votes, as they should have.


exsisto t1_j63vt7i wrote

Nothing new under the sun here. Uninspired, boring track. Sorry chief.


regman231 t1_j63yari wrote

Also lame marketing attempt and makes me dislike this person, since I know they’re lying about walking. And even if they weren’t, why would I care about how much they walk?


acey99 t1_j63t9y2 wrote

I got ya, buddy. Listened to your track and downvoted your thread. You're welcome!!


xShep t1_j63tpjq wrote

I'd invest in some moleskin.


drblah1 t1_j63vlj4 wrote

Better start walking


throw-away-16249 t1_j63vork wrote

Props to you for creating it and putting it out there. Not my style, but I admire the effort. The guitar note at 2:33 that's out of time really jarred me listening to it.


HugoRBMarques t1_j64c8x3 wrote

There's my upvote.

Honest opinion, song is well structured, but has no hook. Nothing that grabs me. Also, there are some weird production choices. At several points, I thought I heard my vacuum cleaner turning itself on before I realized that sound came from your song.

How are you going to prove that you'll walk the distance?


RayNooze t1_j63xy27 wrote

Would you walk five hundred miles? Or even five hundred more?


may026 t1_j63y9fl wrote

I like the vibe of the song, enjoyed the vocals / guitars a lot personally but agree with some other comments around overly punchy drums and how it feels like it’s building to go somewhere / change pace but doesn’t quite get there. Fair play on putting yourself out there and being open to constructive criticism.


MadSaxoHatter t1_j63yct7 wrote

Nice track! I disagree with another commenter, though. I think you could lean even harder into that punchy, almost artificial/techno sound. It's a nice contrast with the string work. The little delay you got on the snare hits is HOT lol.


whoreallyknowsanymor t1_j63zhs3 wrote

It felt like it was missing a chorus to me. Like it was all one long verse. The tone and style of the song reminded me of Smashing Pumpkins' Bullet with Butterfly Wings but never had that in your face transition that made it iconic. I was just waiting for that to happen through the whole song. Great sound, especially guitar. Best of luck.


BigbirdSalsa t1_j6407e7 wrote

I up voted and didn't even listen to the track. Suffer in your jocks.


Moonandserpent t1_j6417js wrote

And I would walk 550km and I would walk 550 more…


Aesop_Rocks t1_j641fmv wrote

Production needs work, as already noted. Also, I'm guessing you might be a fan of Kurt Vile?


Doxep t1_j644tqr wrote

Begging for upvotes is forbidden


jessa07 t1_j645a5l wrote

It's like.. groovin, trippin, sunset in the desert with a couple friends kind of music. Not bad. 7/10
And also, I see people are feeling ways about the title, but look.. you guys are the ones who would've just listened if he asked you too- and that's great! But he's trying to reach others, like me, who scroll past this stuff all the time. The walking thing caught my eye, it set him apart, it made me go "lol ya right buuut what's got him so worked up to make this choice/post?" and I don't regret it. I upvoted because the song wasn't crap. I don't give a flying fuck if he walks for it hahaha.


JColeTheWheelMan t1_j64qeiv wrote

Not sure if the post was edited, but as it sits now, he has a year to complete the walk, not a month.


Nawnp t1_j652syk wrote

Ah yes, 1300km, or otherwise across a country, that's really going to happen.

You should have used meters.


microice2795 OP t1_j652y09 wrote

I will walk the amount of streams which is nearly 600, I think this is doable


VosKing t1_j6779z6 wrote

Posts on Reddit, has to walk to pluto


AtoSaibot t1_j643gcq wrote

I don't have Spotify premium so it made me listen to someone else randomly. I'll try to find you on Youtube.

Found ya, here's the link for everyone without Spotify Premium.

Also fuck all of yall that reported this dude for "karma farming" or whatever the fuck. You fucking shit musicians have this mentality that there is only enough for some of you and honestly, is what made me get out of music. The dudes just tryna get some shit out there with any possible way he can think of and you fuckers just shut it down. Music has a cancer growing inside of it and it's stems from you filthy fucks.


YungNuisance t1_j644azs wrote

Nice song. I’ve done acid too.


Bazzatron t1_j6457l6 wrote

This is the musical equivalent of stock footage B-reel.

It's the royalty free track played low under some melodramatic dialogue on a public access drama.

Overall, a totally uninspiring piece.


PapaGeorgieo t1_j645j9n wrote

Hope it sounds like "The Proclaimers - I'm gonna be"


microice2795 OP t1_j63rjiw wrote



UpbeatPaleontologist t1_j63vmav wrote

I didn't upvote since it looks like you'll be walking quite a bit but I did listen to the song. I enjoyed it, just constructive criticism I think it could benefit from some tighter production but I like the vibe overall.


89indatone t1_j63szac wrote

It's not just a dream it's a nightmare.

Don't stop creating tho it's a great outlet if nothing else


b4not2b t1_j63sy8a wrote

Listened, it was nice. I can't critique the song,but I listed as I woke up and got my day going and it was a hypnotic chill vibe that I liked very much.


NSA_hole t1_j641l68 wrote

Thank you for putting yourself out there, as someone whose band has cleared rooms it isn’t easy.

It’s a cool riff but it needs to go somewhere beyond 50 bars with some slightly different overdubs to add interest. I get the appeal of a drum machine but it makes it feel robotic/soulless. Perhaps if you got a cheap kit or even a drum emulator on an iPad it could elevate the warmth of the song.

I’ll listen to it again on my walk, but I’ll convert a km into a freedom unit.


Tigeress1316 t1_j642dhd wrote

Intro was to long for me. Then the drum sounded a bit tinny.


The_Binary_Insult t1_j643nhe wrote

It looks like they will be walking 500 miles. Can we get them to walk 500 more?


piponwa t1_j63tj0l wrote

That feels like something Jack Stratton would do... Upvote


balizas t1_j63w3p4 wrote

I listened and upvoted.

Good luck!


ClamFlan t1_j63wx4m wrote

As of this post you are at 683 up votes (still rising) and would need to average 25 KM a day to reach your goal. I have downvoted you out of pity and wish you luck on your journey around the world!


vancityvapers t1_j63y3jd wrote

I listened to it and upvoted.


rotzverpopelt t1_j63wumh wrote

Have you thought about covering the Proclaimers? You know what song i mean


SkepticalSalesman t1_j63x1nn wrote

Actually enjoyed the track. Gave me Stone Roses vibes if they were a bit depressed lol.


elephantsystem t1_j63tlra wrote

You got me, gunna listen rn and upvoted.


Panzis t1_j63scae wrote

I like it, thanks!
