Submitted by Ok_Astronomer_1308 t3_10immav in Music

What's your go to? And why?

I am kind of in between on it, playlists are for when I'm lazy, albums for when I'm serious about listening. But l'm kinda sick of it, cuz daily mixes are pissing me off, and I don't have the energy to make my own.



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Charming-Twist-7514 t1_j5f7l3y wrote

I save songs from artists and bands on playlists, because either I want to remember to look for the albums later, or I just enjoyed the song. I am more lazy with the albums. I enjoy listening when going around the house doing my chores or at work before meetings


ants5678 t1_j5fa40v wrote

I personally take time off to listen music on YT. That way I can focus on what I want to listen. Usually a song pops up in my head, then algorithm picks it up and soon you don't even need a playlist (the home feed recommends songs based on your taste).


bloodyell76 t1_j5fagac wrote

playlists in the car. albums at home.


Sleepy-Hunter t1_j5ffam3 wrote

My playlist is just a bunch of albums so if I want to listen to an album I’ll pick one and turn off shuffle but if I just want random songs I’ll leave shuffle on. I also have a small playlist of my favorite songs


amorningofsleep t1_j5fon91 wrote

Always albums. I almost never make playlists.


Sword_of_Damocles666 t1_j5hjoaw wrote

99.99% of the time I listen to albums, always have for some reason. I do however have playlists I've made of bands I've seen setlists and when I'm feeling it I'll throw those on


Gezz66 t1_j5hv0gz wrote

Playlists mostly. I've been listening to music for more than 40 years, so I've had plenty of album listening discipline. I feel like I've earned the right to indulge in playlists.


Zealousideal-Essay29 t1_j5hyewa wrote

Albums mostly but I'm horrible at picking what album to listen to, so it usually turns into me picking a playlist I've made


nuclear_drumstick t1_j5l53o0 wrote

playlists unless i'm listening to an album that just came out


HairyMuffinMan t1_j5tc0fa wrote

JoeJas - Gaps & Nomads

For the variation it brings from song to song.