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Mitch1musPrime t1_j6ntgvm wrote

In fact, read this article and focus on this piece:

“Prosecutors sometimes choose to go ahead with more trials out of a concern that convictions elsewhere could be reversed during appeals. They see an opportunity for additional convictions as insurance.

“We didn’t do a monetary cost-benefit analysis,” Foxx said, adding, however, that resources spent on a trial now could instead be used “in advocacy for other survivors of sexual abuse.”

And then recognize this one victim’s assault case began before the federal convictions ever spooled up:

“Foxx announced the Cook County charges months before the federal cases in New York and Chicago. Foxx's office alleged he repeatedly sought out girls for sex, including one he encountered at her 16th birthday party and another who met Kelly while he was on trial in 2008.”

And then worst of all, the DA begged women to come forward to strengthen the case:

“Foxx, who in 2019 had pleaded with women and girls to come forward so she could pursue charges against Kelly, acknowledged that the decision “may be disappointing” to his accusers.”

It is a colossal failure for those specific victims that R Kelly will be guilty of everything but actual sexual abuse.


NativeNYer10019 t1_j6nuwck wrote

Right, that was all done BEFORE the Feds convicted him, and they’d started this case and begged those victims to come forward because they wanted to ensure he’d be put away. But now that he’s indeed been put away, there is no need to drag this prosecution out further. While that might cause emotional pain to the victims, it wouldn’t be a sound reasonable or financial decision to still move ahead.

Also, if on some crazy twist R Kelly got out of the federal penitentiary, there is no statute of limitations on sex crimes and Chicago could bring this up again in the future at their own behest. This Chicago case and what they’ve gathered thus far will always be available to go after him again if need be. The need it just not there at this time. It’d be unreasonable to spend the kind of money this will cost to move ahead knowing he won’t likely leave prison alive already. Like it or not emotionally, that’s the most logical conclusion at this time.