Submitted by JacobTheSkater123 t3_10m4o4u in Music

Why do musicians sometimes have to ruin there music by doing things outside of it like Pantera and their racism. I get the whole 'separating art from the artist' but in many cases I find it very difficult to do this and it actually makes me so angry.



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thequicknessinc t1_j60y7na wrote

Should avoid putting people on pedestals because people suck and will often let you down. At the end of the day, there’s other artists out there, and when one or two cross the line just call it a day and move on. It’s particularly hard with art because so much of it is emotional and is naturally something we identify with and attach ourselves to. As others will surely mention, this is a losers game, and I agree, but I feel it’s commendable to stand for what you value, especially when it’s a case of human rights. Sorry for your loss, there will be many more, keep your chin up.


SadAcanthocephala521 t1_j610z2j wrote

Well, they are people and they have opinions, you can chose to pay attention to them or not.


badbender14 t1_j614fk2 wrote

I decided a while back that the way I'm going to handle this sort if thing (as it pertains to Nugent specifically, but ive extrapolated on out) is that I'll continue to enjoy those great songs, but I'm never doing anything that will put any of my money in their pocket. Used records and .mp3's? Sure! Concert tickets? No fucking way.


bloodyell76 t1_j61vi7b wrote

They are people. They are going to do things outside of the music. It used to be that for the most part, these activities weren’t made known to the public.

Of course with Phil Anselmo, there was a video of him giving a Nazi salute and yelling “White Power” on stage, so it’s a bit harder to separate performance and performer.