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srone t1_j5hubha wrote

I thought his studio stuff was decent background music, then I watched "Live at the Acropolis" and was completely blown away.


glockman66 t1_j5hwo3v wrote

The orchestra adds total depth to the music. Earlier recordings of those songs are kind of thin sounding.


JGCities t1_j5i0iu3 wrote

His live stuff is pretty good. Has a lot of concerts similar to that one.


machaca_master t1_j5hyp2t wrote

He had some really talented musicians there. I recall the violin players especially. There was this duet they did that I always enjoyed.


Arniepepper t1_j5huoey wrote

On the one hand, it’s non-offensive music. On the other, it’s really nothing spectacular. I’d expect to hear it - not in a concert hall performed live - but recordings playing in the background, like…, I don’t know, elevators. Or aquariums. Yeah, definitely aquariums.


Yakstein t1_j5hyt98 wrote

I went to a Yanni concert as kind of a joke, but it was awesome. The production was great, and the number of unique instruments used was very cool as well.


Octolavo t1_j5htpfg wrote

I recently clicked on one of his concerts to laugh a little but ended up quite enjoying it.


toddklindt t1_j5i6zxf wrote

The first Yanni I heard was Live at the Acropolis. It blew me away. Unfortunately all of his other stuff kind of pales in comparison. :(


thisoldmould t1_j5i8grj wrote

I recently rewatched Live at the Acropolis when I had covid a few months ago. It’s still so good!

I used to pretend to the the conductor when I was a kid watching it.


moonguppie t1_j5hsu9t wrote

Helps with meditation or falling to sleep


grantnel2002 t1_j5hsxmq wrote

He is an amazing musician. Taken less seriously and under appreciated by younger generations.


DeviousDeevo t1_j5ice41 wrote

Santorini and aria are my fav tracks from him 💜


SLPERAS t1_j5iny2y wrote

Yanni is to classical music is what smooth jazz to jazz music is. Nothing spectacular but utterly enjoyable.


rednaxela82 t1_j5itouq wrote

Classical nerd AND Yanni fan here. I compare classical music to fine dining (which can range from refined to creative to pretentious), and Yanni's music to comfort food which, when done well, helps calm your soul. It's nowhere near as complex, so it's the best at actively engaging your mind when you want to relax, while not being as passive and directionless as most actual elevator music.


SoMoHiker t1_j5luqox wrote

My mom loved him and I was forced to listen to it on long vacation drives. No thank you yanni


HotDangThoseMuffins t1_j5i9h6b wrote

Hold on a hot fuckin minute, is the the Yanni they refer to at the end of Beck's Que Onda Guero?