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ShipofThesaurus t1_j6aps6r wrote

People buy cars and don’t drive em. If you like it and your spending your hard earned dollar on it because it makes you happy, then that’s all that really matters.


rja49 t1_j6at83z wrote

I buy friends and family their favourite vynal albums for xmas/birthdays etc and frame them purely for display. Album art work is a sadly disappearing art form.


TheMichaelN t1_j6axi70 wrote

You do you! If they make you happy and brighten up your space that’s all the matters.

For what it’s worth, at present I have St. Vincent’s Masseductiom on display in our living room. The album sits on top of our record player, right next to an old microphone from the 1950s that we found at an antique store. The pink album color is a nice pop of color.

I change the record we have on display every couple of weeks. I usually choose what album to display based on my mood. Ha ha


AIC_333 t1_j6b2p91 wrote

Are you hanging the artwork or the record? People who hang just the record are weird to me but what does it matter really


TheCharlieUniverse t1_j6b5vh2 wrote

Not weird, but it wouldn’t hurt to be familiar with the albums that you’re displaying


BlackEyedAngel01 t1_j6binyt wrote

The first record I owned was Morrison Hotel, given to me in 1996 or 1997 by one of my high school teachers because I wore a Doors t-shirt to school at least once a week. I didn’t have a turntable back then so I displayed it on my bedroom wall. It was the CD era and I was very proud to have a vinyl record.

I still have that record. I don’t play it because it’s in rough shape, but it’s filed on the shelf with the rest of my collection.


ChildhoodBig531 t1_j6cab1c wrote

If you love the albums musically ….. I’ll allow it

If you just put them up to look cool …… reign yourself in


Reefaman2020 t1_j6cn72c wrote

Tbh I still got maybe 400 12" records upstairs now in crates what's left of my collection that I had to sell way back I kept these no intention of getting a turntable but I won't part with my remaining vinyl so many memories not been touched for years but I still remember what I got up there lol


DarkKratoz t1_j6deq5e wrote

There's a lot of people saying "yeah it's cool bro, your money your choice" but coming at it as someone who listens to vinyl;

Fuck off. Prices are already sky-high, if you aren't going to be listening to it, then you're just artificially pushing the price up so you can put it on a shelf. Go buy the CD, buy some merch, buy some tickets, do something with utility, don't blindly consume just because you like the aesthetic. Leave it for someone who will use the record for its intended purpose.

And yes, I take the same view with every "collectable".


contraries t1_j6dkjev wrote

I own vinyls.. i currently have abbey road on the wall on a display rack.


Rebelpride1 t1_j6dt3b0 wrote

I never visit a record store without visiting the dollar bin to look for shit records with cool album art to display. Actually found some cool music that way, too