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jeremyjava OP t1_j66fe9m wrote

I had just moved back to NY after skiing my cafe in Joshua Tree, CA, where I also did a volunteer work with my trained German shepherd.
Moved back to NY just in time for 9/11 and did work down there and aling with everyone else, or lives were turned upside down. There's no way to describe it... I did try in a story I write about doing my thing with my dog at the pile and at the piers set up for being ppl affected by it.

At the time, the big concern was if more terror attacks every single day. The sirens were so persistent for months that when they finally died down, ppl were freaked out by the silence of the new New York.

Like many others, I became a news junkie and listened to NPR or BBC pretty much all the time. Become habit after awhile.

Music wasn't a priority, even for a big music lover like me. Hell, in JT my place has live music a few times a week with some surprisingly established ppl. Lots of recording studios there and you never which artist might come walking through the door.

That habit has been broken and now I put together a pretty crazy high end audio system and am loving all my old fave stuff, and new favorites, but there's a world of music out there I've never heard that I'll love... and looking fwd to finding it!

Thanks for asking and giving me a chance to offer some back story.