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thebruns t1_j6t2qu4 wrote

If they want support from me I need to see them plant 47 trees


Kalebxtentacion OP t1_j6t3b5m wrote

Thanks for helping


thebruns t1_j6tbmd8 wrote

They want to make money, I want a better city.


Kalebxtentacion OP t1_j6ummls wrote

Without development how will we get a better city


thebruns t1_j6v3fb0 wrote

Midtown Manhattan is very developed. Its a shit place to live.

Look at how the new Shaq building is destroying the streetscape with a parking podium and tiny tiny tiny sidewalks. Thats going to be garbage for 100 years.

They need to get it right from the start.


felsonj t1_j6vwz6l wrote

I generally do sympathize with regard to sidewalks, but it's McCarter Highway -- who really wants to be walking on the sidewalk there next to multiple lanes of fast-moving traffic? The pedestrian traffic would be mostly at the corner and on Market St. Instead of a parking lot, we have a building that will add 400+ residents downtown. How is this not good? The cladding on the parking podium isn't bad either. Boraie looks to be doing a pretty good job of it, though of course one can't be sure until it's finished. But note too what appears to be a grand entrance on Market St.


Kalebxtentacion OP t1_j6vce6c wrote

Don’t see how that effects the city in whole. North Newark isn’t getting effected by tiny sidewalks. The tower bring more residents, more residents more small businesses, more small businesses more jobs, more jobs more economic opportunities


surrealchemist t1_j6xm4s0 wrote

No we just need more big buildings and then all the problems will go away you see


Kalebxtentacion OP t1_j6zcgeq wrote

The buildings are considered as development, development in the city will help the part where it’s needed, Newark can’t thrive without development. Towers and buildings aren’t going to solve the homelessness issues directly, but if all these developments get built there are construction jobs needed that many people can take an opportunity of.