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Newarkguy1836 t1_jblwtup wrote

The centerpiece is such a monstrosity. Perfect example of a receding civilization. The surrounding walls are a nice touch with the names embedded. It could have been combined with another design such as the young Harriet Tubman statue with the Newark history and it's parallel with Tubman designsAfrican Americans imprinted on her dress.


AgitatedAorta t1_jbmwqfp wrote

I would have preferred a more traditional statue myself. But calling it "an example of a receding civilization" is the kind of hyperbole that makes people not take what you say seriously. There's always been mediocre art in all periods.


RationalMellow t1_jbrqsey wrote

When I hear β€œreceding” I think of a hairline. Sorry if anyone spits their drink out in laughter.


DCDavis t1_jbnstgz wrote

Yeah this is a trash opinion my guy.


Echos_myron123 t1_jbo5hhy wrote

I don't like a monument therefore civilization is receding. Come on.


Newarkguy1836 t1_jbpnpjz wrote

For thousands of years, every civilization 's visual Arts has improved upon the civilization before it. The trend has always been towards more realism. It was the given from the time man left the caves, to the sumerians, Egypt, India and Far East, culminating with the Greek, Roman & peaking with the US/English Victorian era. Then something happened in the early 20th century, everything stalled and became not so realistic. Art deco sculptures began, then cubism, abstractism the degradation continues to the point where a a crucifix in a toilet bowl full of rotting urine is considered "a monument". The trend now is towards not just unrealistic, but sheer lunacy with random pipes and metals, Justified by the excuse you're supposed to see the "spiritual aspect of it".

Either you refuse to acknowledge what I'm talking about, or you're like one of the four Blind Men. Each one clutching a leg and refusing to acknowledge the opinion of other three and realize the big elephant above them.

I'm not against abstract art. I believe abstract art should be about Concepts, not about individuals. Harriet Tubman was not a bunch of wires with a hollow interior. She deserved a lot better then what looks like a used Christmas lights wire prop up with wires curving (a dress?) down the side. Not a bunch of politicians and social activists and a photo op with the mayor pretending the thing behind them is the most beautiful thing they've ever seen. But hey, you have your tastes I have mine.


RationalMellow t1_jbs0a5z wrote

But that’s kinda the reason for it being called abstract art. Pretending? But where did they say it was beautiful?