Submitted by Daydreaming_Bitch t3_11yl4ns in Newark

Just called city of Newark about a tree in front of our house being removed. Lady on the phone said someone called and reported the tree as a dead tree. We've been here since 2012, this tree blooms every single year. Doesn't the city check these things? What can be done?



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Ironboundian t1_jd82t84 wrote

To stop it you can chain yourself to the tree. But if you want to save your energy you can become a volunteer for New Jersey tree foundation. They sponsor treeplanting all over the city. So in the long run hopefully you will plant more trees than the ones being torn down.


Daydreaming_Bitch OP t1_jd860d6 wrote

Just signed up. Unfortunately they removed most living trees around the neighborhood. Got a call back from the city just now and they said that it was a city tree and the city decided to remove it. When I questioned why they initially said it got reported as a dead tree she said "I'm just telling you what they told me". Hopefully the trees will get replaced.


surrealchemist t1_jd86l73 wrote

I’d contact the office of your council member, or somebody else like that. The city workers are probably just following protocol but if people start calling governing bodies to let them know it’s something you care about it might become more of a priority.


Daydreaming_Bitch OP t1_jd876dt wrote

Will definitely do that. Thanks for the idea, I know some other neighbors were pissed about the other trees too. I'll try to get others involved as well.


Ironboundian t1_jd87tbl wrote

Yes. I know you've been here since 2012....but it's an uphill battle if you love trees. Business owners complain about them blocking visibility of their stores. Homeowners complain that the roots cause plumbing damange and make sidewalks crack and create lots of leaves and all three things cause costs for homeowners. PSEG complains that the branches cause power outages. So everyone is stacked up against you and will cut down the trees on their own with or without the city permission.


Daydreaming_Bitch OP t1_jd88t2y wrote

This was the city though. No store front, no raised sidewalk, I'm not sure about plumbing issues, but we've never had anyone out because of the tree, never had a power outage because of it either. I would absolutely understand if there was an issue with it. But to cut it down just to simply cut it down without anyone complaining about it makes no sense to me.


Ironboundian t1_jd8aa6n wrote

I'm not saying they are right....just that the City channels all those constituencies. Plus another poster said how dead trees and branches fall on cars or people too. Could be the City covering their butt from a liability perspective. If someone called 311 to say it was dead and the city did nothing and then the next day a branch fell on a car.....well there you go.


Daydreaming_Bitch OP t1_jd8bbqp wrote

Right, but I'm sure they have a way to test to see if a tree is dead. The city said they just decided to cut it. Sad to see it go.


thebruns t1_jd8ju9l wrote

> Hopefully the trees will get replaced.

You must be new here


sutisuc t1_jd87gqe wrote

Newark has some of the worst tree canopy cover in the country too


Daydreaming_Bitch OP t1_jd883p1 wrote

Yep, Plulaski towards South St in the spring and summer had really good and pretty canopy. They used to do maintenance every year on them. Most are cut down now.


au79_79 t1_jd8jbtg wrote

A huge tree was cut down on my street last month too. I was pretty saddened about it :(


Dmoored4 t1_jd85uhs wrote

I had the dead half of a half-dead tree fall on and total my car in Newark. Could this be it or you think they just got it totally wrong?


Daydreaming_Bitch OP t1_jd86err wrote

As far as I could tell it was a perfect live tree, I'm no expert though. The city called me back and said it was a city tree and they decided to remove it. When I questioned why they originally said someone reported it as dead the lady said "I'm just telling you what they told me."


qrysdonnell t1_jd8oykr wrote

The tree was probably likely diseased. I'm in South Orange and about 2 years ago 3 trees on our sidewalk area (we're on a corner) were removed because of some sort of disease.

We do have plenty of oak trees in our yard that are huge and might be diseased that we'll have to someday remove.

From what I've seen based on local discussions in Facebook towns are generally only removing trees for good reason, but they're never properly communicating that reason.


Newarkguy1836 t1_jd968dd wrote

I hate it when the city or Township knocks down perfectly healthy trees over utilities that 90% of the time completely missed the pipes. Here in Belleville they cut down every single tree on little Street. One of them had to be at least 200 years old beautiful classic upright broccoli shaped tree. Every tree, little and big was cut and grinded into chips. Why? They cut a trench down the middle of little Street to put down some pipes! And refurbished the sewer holes. Take it as an opportunity to plant a nice fast growing tree you might like.


Professional_Heat_73 t1_jd8rdg8 wrote

I’m surprised they answered the phone! I have a tree in the strip by the sidewalk that the overhang was blocking my driveway and causing issues with the power to my house. We lost power during multiple storms. PSE&G trimmed but said it was on the city. I called the city for months to no avail. Called a private tree company who also called and no one answered. Had to pay $800 for the tree to be trimmed and I know I’ll have to do it again in a few years.

I wish the city would take it down!


Motor-Clock4341 t1_jdc4s7l wrote

There has been state wide tree removals going on for about 4 years now. The emerald ash beatle infection all the ash trees in new Jersey. They have removed thousands and thousands of trees already in new Jersey because of this.