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dsarma t1_je4jl6h wrote

> The reason: Graham is a convicted felon who spent 13½-years in federal prison for three armed bank robberies in 2006. So, his latest conviction for brandishing a handgun in a violent crime will be treated with greater severity.

Dude was out for a couple of months and then reoffended.


dsarma t1_je4o3fa wrote

He was released early, and then went out and did this dumb shit. He wasn't fully free, he was under house arrest.

>Graham got “early compassionate release” after 13½ years and was put on home confinement in November 2020 in Newark.

>His early release was based on a diabetes diagnosis, obtaining a high school equivalence degree in 2014, and attending prison programs to help him obtain gainful employment upon release, according to federal court papers.

>Graham robbed the East Orange cellphone store just two months after he got out of jail.

Like. Dude. You weren't even fully out yet.


Seventhson65 t1_je4pnkh wrote

Article states it’s a “harsh penalty”. It’s was an armed robbery. Throw away the key!


AsSubtleAsABrick t1_je4t4dk wrote

It's almost as if the system was not designed to rehabilitate people but just to punish them. Dude needed money, has a medical condition, and a felony record. What the hell was he supposed to do?


Seventhson65 t1_je5gfvs wrote

Felons can’t get jobs after leaving prison? His job prospects are certainly limited, but employment is still very possible. He isn’t a victim of the “system”. He’s a criminal by the actions he took by his own free will. Three previous armed bank robberies and this is his fourth. Good riddance, he isn’t capable of living in a civil society.


Nwk_NJ t1_je5ix87 wrote



AsSubtleAsABrick t1_je64hhr wrote

What good does a temp agency do when you are diabetic? He needs health insurance, not a minimum wage call center job.

I guarantee if he had the choice of a stable job with a living wage, healthcare, and housing vs. stealing he would do the former.


Seventhson65 t1_je6bqah wrote

He did have the choice, but decided to commit multiple felonies. He chose to limit his opportunities for his future. But it’s funny how you justify armed robbery with his life’s decisions.

I can’t argue with stupid.


AsSubtleAsABrick t1_je6l48i wrote

He had the choice of a living wage with healthcare and stable housing? You sure about that?

Because median household income in Newark is $41k, or about $20 an hour. Median per capita income is $22k. Most people are making minimum wage ($14/hour) and you know that doesn't include health coverage. And half of people make less than that.

So yeah, I can completely understand why and how people get into situations where they make bad decisions. When the choice is being evicted, starving, dying without insulin, and robbing someone, I see why that last choice can seem like the only option.

But hey, YOU are doing great in life, so fuck him I guess.