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ScrollHectic OP t1_je809qi wrote

Not the best picture but gives an idea. Uplighting is on all sides


Nwk_NJ t1_jeabh2z wrote

The lighting looks amazing. This is a huge building and much more of an addition than I initially realized. It adds a ton to the skyline and profile of the city. Will try to take a picture too. Hoping Shaq 2 lights up well too. Maybe national newark will one day relight and a few others, including halo, should brighten us up a bit.


ScrollHectic OP t1_jectdtt wrote

I don't know if anyone remembers when the Military Park Building was lit for the year or so after it was renovated. It was gorgeous


ScrollHectic OP t1_jecu7nl wrote NEW YORK TIMES ARTICLE FROM 08 " Is It Paris, or Just Newark After Dark?


Nwk_NJ t1_jecukc1 wrote

That era was great. Like 07-16 skyline was lighting up all over the place. Really hoping we hit a new stride w some of these buildings. Bc I legit felt a big stall and regression the last 3-5 years, even before the pandemic. Starting with the military park fiasco.


Nwk_NJ t1_jecucmd wrote

Yes I do. Was great. Idk why they stopped that as well. So annoying. These landlords are lazy and cheap.


NewNewark t1_jeairzb wrote

> The lighting looks amazing.

Ah yes, just what people want in their bedroom- bright spotlights making it impossible to sleep


GhostOfRobertTreat t1_jeam757 wrote

I mean, tons of people have to deal with street lights right outside their bedroom all the time. Like me. Just close the blinds or get drapes.


NewNewark t1_jeao8z7 wrote

You know we can have street lights that dont blast light into bedrooms right?


GhostOfRobertTreat t1_jeau82a wrote

It’s a light that’s at the same elevation as my window and is 20 feet away. Don’t think the brightness or scope can be turned down enough that leaving my windows uncovered would be fine.


NewNewark t1_jeb4hqa wrote

Its not about the brightness, its about the design.

For any streetlight design, including the standard cobra or the "historic" looking lamps the city loves, the side facing the building can be shielded by simply using a thin piece of metal, as shown here

Of course the better option is to instead use a lamp design that properly lights the street and sidewalk instead of sending 3/4 of the light in the wrong direction (up, into bedrooms)

Just because something is bad now doesnt mean it is ok to get worse.


ScrollHectic OP t1_ject60s wrote

That's taken into consideration when they do the lighting design. They avoid affecting any apartments when choosing where to put the up lights. And they typically shut off at a certain time. Believe me, no landlord is going to sacrifice lost rent because of up lighting


iborg089 t1_je8r0eg wrote

Looks great 👍🏽 drove by today.