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ahtasva t1_jegmxzy wrote

This is a problem created by neo liberal politics: don’t offer people solutions instead tell them who to blame for their problems. 1 . People are homeless: let them take over the public parks and sidewalks. Don’t finds ways to house them.. refuse to support high density housing. Blame landlords and pile on regulation on them making housing more expensive. Point the finger on “gentrifiers”. Republicans what you to hate foreigners; democrats want you to hate your neighbors.

  1. People are hopeless and turn to drugs: don’t offer them hope or any solutions. Let them shoot up on the open. Decriminalize “petty” crimes coz its “unfair” to enforce the law on the drug dependent. Don’t pass min wage laws, create affordable healthcare insurance or affordable starter housing. Democrats want you to blame the rich ; republicans want you to blame the poor.

  2. Inner city public education is failing: democrats are in denial. Republicans want grandma to teach kids advanced math.

Take any issue out there and there isn’t a solution in sight. God help this county!


sutisuc t1_jegq2k7 wrote

You hate neoliberalism but love landlords?


ahtasva t1_jegqrxz wrote

Not what I said . Read harder


sutisuc t1_jegsgpr wrote

You maligned neoliberalism and then took up the cause of landlords, what did I miss?