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Nexis4Jersey t1_iqwjoj6 wrote

Any word on developing the other lots near the station?


vasquca1 t1_iqxg1rl wrote

Is this page where all the developers come to gloat about what’s going up or am I in the wrong place?


VroomRutabaga t1_iqymkd8 wrote

I was just making the exact same comment to my husband, two seconds before I read your comment. And I agree with you 100%

I have some words for the gentrifiers but then again it’s best not to be kicked out of a group.


effort268 t1_iqyr0ed wrote

lol no one lives in these areas. If you dont build more apartments, these new residents will simply kick you out of your apt cause most of us rent. Thats gentrification. Let them have their own housing so we dont get kicked out of our neighborhoods.

Sadly we live in a capitalist society and if we stop them from building new property, our landlords WILL get greedy as demand goes up they can simply raise your rent.


felsonj t1_iqyu1dc wrote

Not all of us. I for one love rotting buildings and vacant lots. I especially love them in the vicinity of the largest rail station in NJ, eighth busiest in the nation. I think it’s a great use of land to keep that area at exactly the density it is right at the time when I moved in. Anything is too expensive and offensive if I can’t afford it. I’ve never taken a course in economics, the law of supply and demand to me mean if the people demand it government must supply it.


Ironboundian t1_ir0jsaz wrote

Totally. It was item number 4 on the Sept 26th hearing

“CPB-22-40 Address: 405-419 Market St Block: 179 Lots: 10,13,17,22,26,28,30,32,42,45,47-48 Description: Proposed parking lot expansion with 70 additional spaces Applicant/Owner: Raymond Newark Properties, LP Attorney: Jennifer Mazawey, Esq.”


effort268 t1_ir31ipv wrote

Unless youre a homeowner, you best believe demand for housing will increase your rent. Hence its good to increase supply so prices don’t increase too much.

If you purposely push down supply, prices will go up. Capitalism (developers, high income folks) are realizing Newark potential, hence the increase in rent. That’s capitalism.