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effort268 OP t1_ir6i2ne wrote

Was part of their focus group and this is one of the ideas. They want to have food trucks around the station as well as seating and more open green space. The city will work with NJtransit to help relocate many homeless people to help with QOL issues.


Kalebxtentacion t1_ir6pjg4 wrote

Looks very cool. Can’t wait to see what else they have plan. The upper level can definitely use an upgrade


[deleted] t1_ir6wpm6 wrote

Is this part of the Penn redesign? Who was the host of the focus group?


SyndicalistCPA t1_ir78vj5 wrote

Hope they add bike parking tbh.


recnilcram t1_ir8cw8q wrote

There are a bunch of bike racks underneath the overpass, just south of that small entrance garden. But we need even more! They're so often used.


effort268 OP t1_ir8flq8 wrote

Yes they will be adding more bike spots. They also mentioned intentions to build bike lanes directly into Newark Penn to make it more accesidnle. The big concern for the whole group was crossing route 21.


Kalebxtentacion t1_iriow94 wrote

Hopefully the pedestrian bridge helps but we can still use another better option for 21.


Ironboundian t1_ir7gcg9 wrote

I was confused....but now I see this is NORTH of market street, closer to the River and near Raymond Blvd. Right now that is Mother Cabrini park, and totally fenced off and not usable at all by the public. Not even for drop off as the areas right next to train is where NNTransit and Port Authority police just park their cars behind a metal barricade


effort268 OP t1_ir8f68h wrote

They city owns the park , they will be opening it up to the public


Imperator_Americus t1_ir7281v wrote

There are going to be a lot of homeless people there at night.


Juicey_J_Hammerman t1_ir7h9qr wrote

Looks like a good way to get some additional utility out of the park at least.


2kool4tv t1_ir7kot0 wrote

Thought they sold this land to the parking company


Lanky_Act6769 t1_ir7p47h wrote

I’m not impressed with this render and I think it’ll age badly, but hopefully it’ll evolve into something better down the road I can only hope. Glad they’re doing something at least.


recnilcram t1_ir8d6ic wrote

Agree the render as is may not age well, but definitely a good step in the right direction. Hopefully the seating and food trucks kinda pull the energy of nightlife on Ferry Street towards the station.


thebruns t1_ir6nlrj wrote

Half a billion and their big plan is a line of idling trucks?


sutisuc t1_ir6vz2v wrote

They missed out on where the cops will designate their new napping lane


effort268 OP t1_ir71zb7 wrote

it's only $190M, most of the work is going to be on the platforms and the inside of Penn station. What I showed, was the outdoor renovations...


naglephoto t1_irhfxxk wrote

Far better than the current police parking lots where you fear getting arrested for trespassing for getting to close to them