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Echos_myron123 t1_itnget3 wrote

What a joke. Speed up the licensing process if you're concerned about shops doing this.


genius96 t1_itnmc9x wrote

Also, why shouldn't small shops be allowed to sell some weed? They can sell cigarettes, and in some states they can sell liquor


Oh__Hai_ t1_itoc8gf wrote

This is so fucking stupid. All the crap going on and he puts his energy into this silly shit.


MDNTNWK t1_iu38dr9 wrote

"Ah yes, instead of focusing on deterring violent crime and carjackings in the city of Newark, we should target smoke shops who are disturbing cannabis, as both our licensing process and cops are too slow and we need to reach our quota-"

Bro should focus on...I dunno, not being bald? It'd probably be bad to be around him on a sunny day, blindness for days.


ahtasva t1_itpr0k1 wrote

Baraka 2024: Solving problems that donโ€™t exist


MDNTNWK t1_iu385tj wrote

Baraka 2022: "Blaming Single Moms; Focusing on the wrong Issues, and showing off my shiny bald head."


redhead29 t1_itofy65 wrote

they are really missing that revenue from pot arrests


Nwk_NJ t1_itoh25n wrote

As big advocates for legalization, and I'm sure with plans to be a pillar of that economic activity going forward, it makes sense for him to do this and play the game as the state has laid it out.


NJ_Tal t1_itphdl7 wrote

and could we get more pop ups on that page please, I was almost able to see the article before I clicked out.