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srddave t1_iuvp3oq wrote

I don’t think this is a big loss. One thing we have always had in Newark is corner stores/bodegas and 7eleven isn’t a particularly good corner store. On the contrary, I think stores like 7eleven actually take business away from good corner stores.

And who even knew there was a 7eleven in the Bamberger’s building?


thebruns t1_iuwm5o8 wrote

7-eleven is open 24/7. The "good corner stores" in downtown Newark close at 8pm

>And who even knew there was a 7eleven in the Bamberger’s building?

I did. Much nicer than the Broad Street one.


sutisuc t1_iuxa1nh wrote

A lot of the ones downtown don’t even stay open until 8 pm. Same deal in the ironbound. Everyone of course needs a corner store during prime working hours of 9-5 right?


thebruns t1_iuxc229 wrote

Yeah theres some I dont know if theyre out of business or not because theyre not open when Im home


dsarma t1_iv0eut3 wrote

Listen. I’m happy to support local business as long as they don’t newark their opening hours. Coffee shop? Let’s open from 9 am - 3 pm, and close on Mondays. Bodega? Let’s open either never even with the open sign turned on, or from 11 - 4 pm. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄😐🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄