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srddave t1_iuvp3oq wrote

I don’t think this is a big loss. One thing we have always had in Newark is corner stores/bodegas and 7eleven isn’t a particularly good corner store. On the contrary, I think stores like 7eleven actually take business away from good corner stores.

And who even knew there was a 7eleven in the Bamberger’s building?


thebruns t1_iuwm5o8 wrote

7-eleven is open 24/7. The "good corner stores" in downtown Newark close at 8pm

>And who even knew there was a 7eleven in the Bamberger’s building?

I did. Much nicer than the Broad Street one.


sutisuc t1_iuxa1nh wrote

A lot of the ones downtown don’t even stay open until 8 pm. Same deal in the ironbound. Everyone of course needs a corner store during prime working hours of 9-5 right?


thebruns t1_iuxc229 wrote

Yeah theres some I dont know if theyre out of business or not because theyre not open when Im home


dsarma t1_iv0eut3 wrote

Listen. I’m happy to support local business as long as they don’t newark their opening hours. Coffee shop? Let’s open from 9 am - 3 pm, and close on Mondays. Bodega? Let’s open either never even with the open sign turned on, or from 11 - 4 pm. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄😐🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


DrixxYBoat OP t1_iuv2lj5 wrote


7-11 is closing // selling 19 stores across Jersey.

The sold stores will not have the 7-11 branding which means Newark loses another powerhouse company, like when we lost the McDonald's on Broad Street.

Wendy's opened up on Broad/Market recently, but I wish I existed in a timeline where we got to keep everything and then build more.

We need a freaking Target downtown too. Idc, we need one.


Echos_myron123 t1_iuvyh9p wrote

Lol at 7/11, a store that sells heat lamp hot dogs and diabetes in a giant cup, being a "powerhouse company."


sutisuc t1_iuxa6pv wrote

No way we get a target downtown any time soon with the one in Kearny about to open up, would be nice though I agree


Newarkguy1836 t1_iuyqp8z wrote

I heard Burlington was supposed to come to Newark between the Newark Board of Ed and Prudential Building.


sutisuc t1_iuyrfwn wrote

Yeah I’ve read that too I believe it’s still the plan. That would be a great addition to downtown that would actually cater to native newarkers so I hope it happens.


thebruns t1_iv2afeb wrote

They kicked out the exiting tenants, did a lot of knocking things down, and have done no work in 3-4 weeks since


Jimmy_kong253 t1_iuyl2xs wrote

I work in the area that 7eleven on ferry street was a trip before corporate took it over. They had the old security guard selling drugs there and these nice Mexican ladies had a taco cart near it and they made amazing stuff. They got ran out of there from all the garbage hanging around the 7eleven. It took a few acts of violence and complaints from customers before Newark assigned a cop to that corner and 7eleven corporate came in and cleaned up the store


thebruns t1_iuym0ul wrote

Still drug central tho


Jimmy_kong253 t1_iuymtvd wrote

Of course but it's not as bad as it was in 2020 and 21 they really need light up the park next to 7eleven they have a war memorial that looks like shit from the homeless tossing shit over the fence. The city also need to start forcing these charities to clean up after themselves. There's tons of food containers and piles of clothes in that park almost daily. The lady who's allowed to be live on that corner for years is also a issue.


thebruns t1_iuyn5jb wrote

Newark: We gonna put up another fence problem solved


naglephoto t1_ivcq73f wrote

So the stores will stay open under a different name, right? More Krauzers? I wish Wawa would open urban storefront stores like in Philly instead of sticking to gas stations