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lordkwahz t1_ivqljoj wrote

I’m based in Newark now after living in Essex county my entire childhood life hearing the horror stories. I love this city. Sure criminals are here and bad things do happen, but the positives are much louder to me. Diverse beyond definition and kind, I’ve had strangers help me time and time again. Also I see more effort here than most other cities to deter gentrifications strangulation of long time residents, I do hope Newark does better to keep long timers and have up-kept safe affordable housing. Homeless population exists and I sadly do not see enough work to help individuals climb out of that. Food. Everywhere, any kind you want. I’m partial towards ironbound, real sucker for the Portuguese food. Qxt’s is my favorite bar on the planet earth, they always make me feel like family. Historical buildings lurk everywhere and I see more effort into restoration, fingers crossed restoration becomes more important. I’m due for a trip to the Newark Museum, heard it’s intriguing. Not sure how I feel about the scooters but there are scooters available now for faster non car movement, I see bike lanes popping up more but usually used for double park. My biggest issue is lack of public garbage cans and therefore, understandably, a lot of street garbage. Have a great visit!