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charlesdv10 t1_ivuxh6k wrote

Reply to comment by NotTheOnlyGamer in 7 Eleven to go by mantunesofnewark

Relative newbie here, but live down the street and walk past the 7/11 frequently.

I have not seen that the business was closed by the city, rather it was announced they have shut down of their own accord:

Having multiple 7/11’s in such close proximity seems to be a foolish decision, driven by the franchise store operators/management: they are all competing for the same business.

Sales volume to justify any 24/7 operation, the wages, the utilities and dealing with inflation all contribute to making these types of business operate on razor thin margins, in what is a relatively high cost to operate location, proving a limited net benefit.

An alternative business (seems a great spot for a bar, coffee, small restaurant), could provide greater employment, increased tax revenue, and help build community in the downtown area in proximity to Penn.

With all the condo buildings being built the demand for “things to do” will increase exponentially and it’s an excellent location (in a nice building) that could offer the Ironbound and Newark something more than currently exists