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Satanic_Doge t1_ix7tk51 wrote

Reply to comment by mpchebe in Teaching in Newark by goldfinch1313

Oh yeah I'm in one of these schools. It's fucking awful, and the school I'm in very well may not exist next year if everyone keeps quitting at the rate that they are. We've lost at least 4 teachers and 2 office staff since August, and I expect more to quit before winter break. We're on our 5th art teacher so far this year alone.

We also exploit Americorps Fellows like no other.


VroomRutabaga t1_ix7wjjv wrote

Don’t go to Great Oaks, they lost 4 teachers within 4 months and they filter out students. I’ve witnessed multiple times the principal pressure parents that their kid can be in mainstream with “supports” without proper SPED class like what their IEP says bc they didn’t have a SPED teacher.

Also don’t go to Lafayette street School, it’s corrupt starting with the principal and their vice principals. They don’t follow through their 504 and took funding away from a reading specialist. There were multiple 6th-8th graders that cannot read on their grade level. Multiple teachers have sounded the alarm but they are often threatened with bad performance evaluations. It’s really sad.